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We sat in the kitchen for around two hours, eating and talking. Edwin had found some fruits for us to eat after the pancakes, and Austin looked up a recipe for milkshakes. A few attempts later, we were sitting on the floor of the living room with a glass of strawberry milkshake in our hands.

"We're like the kids in Riverdale," Austin said with a grin.

We laughed and continued to sip our drinks as he imitated Jughead. Edwin pretended to be Betty as they re-enacted a few scenes.

"They're relationship is so cute," I said with a smile, showing a little jealousy.

"You know who else's relationship was cute?" Edwin asked, avoiding my eyes.

"I wonder..." Nick said sarcastically.

Edwin shrugged and changed the topic. "So what do you wanna do today?"

Zion suggested that we go to the skate park, and then to the bowling alley across the street from there. We all agreed and decided to get ready within 15 minutes.

I headed back downstairs, wondering what I should wear. After contemplating this and that, I sat next to my suitcase, staring at the mountain of shirts and pants in the bag. When I heard footsteps heading towards the living room above me, I quickly grabbed an oversized t-shirt, put on some denim shorts, grabbed a pair of socks and headed back upstairs.

Everyone else was ready; they were basically all wearing the same thing — a hoodie with jeans or sweatpants. Once they saw me, they stood up and walked towards the door, putting on their shoes.

It took us around 15 minutes to get to the park. It was nearly empty; only a few kids were dotted around here and there. The boys had brought their skateboards with them, and as soon as we entered the park, they split up into all different directions. Edwin and Zion headed for the ramp, Austin went to the rails, Nick just skated around them, and Brandon seemed to be everywhere, trying out everything.

I didn't know how to skate, so I climbed up an empty ramp and sat with my legs dangling off the side, watching them as they laughed and "whooped" in happiness.

A few minutes later, Nick skated towards me with a smile.

"Come on," he said, encouraging me. "You're not gonna do anything?"

I shrugged. "I don't know how to skate."

"I'll teach you," he smiled, offering his hand.

I grabbed it, jumping off the ramp and landing right in front of him. He stepped off the board, holding it steady as I placed my foot on top. I hesitated a little before stepping up completely. Gripping Nick's hand tighter, I panicked as the board started to shift.

"It's okay," he laughed. "I got you."

He slipped his other hand into mine, helping me feel more secure.

"I'm gonna pull you, and the board's going to move, okay?" He explained. "But it's fine. You're not gonna fall."

I nodded slowly, smiling but nervous.

Just as he'd said, he pulled me gently by the hand, moving the board along the ground. I held my breath, trying hard not to fall. I tried to loosen my grip on Nick's hands, just in case I was holding them too tight, but as soon as I tried to let go a little, the board shuffled too much and I had to hold on tight again.

"I don't think I can do this," I said. "I'm actually going to fall."

"Then I'll catch you," he smiled, looking into my eyes. "Like always."

Miles Away | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now