Twenty Four

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We stayed in the car for around an hour, driving through the streets, watching the sun set. Different colors of pink, orange and purple filled the sky, and I watched as the colors eventually deepened and darkened through the window of the car. I sat with the seat leaned back, my bare feet resting on the deck, windows down, wind flowing through my hair. Nick sat next to me with one hand on the wheel and one hand lingering around mine by the edge of my seat. Music played through the speakers, and I could feel the boom of the beat vibrate through the car.

His hand slowly reached for mine. I smiled and intertwined our fingers together. He laughed, and started to sing along to the song, singing extra loud since there was nobody around us. I took out my phone, opened Snapchat, and started to take a video. He smiled and continued to joke around, making me laugh and smile.

We got back to the hotel at around 1:00 AM. Thinking that everyone else would be asleep, we opened the door as quietly as we could. The room seemed dark, but when we opened the door, we saw everyone piled up on the bed, watching a movie on the TV. They all sat up when we stepped inside. But instead of asking questions, they made room on the bed, shuffling over to one side so Nick and I could fit.

I quickly changed into my pajama shorts and climbed in with the rest of them, my head resting on Nick's chest. Charlotte moved over and used my legs as a pillow, watching the movie with undivided interest and attention. Beside her, Brandon played around with the hem of her shorts, his eyes also fixed on the screen. Tiffany had fallen asleep on Edwin's shoulder; he looked over at her with a smile before looking back at the TV.

Colors from the screen reflected into our eyes, flashing here and there. I snuggled into Nick's chest, making myself comfortable so I could fall asleep easily. Before I could think about anything else, I dozed off.

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