Thirty Three

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He ran down, pretending to be shocked, yelling at someone to come down. Zion, pretending to just have woken up, came downstairs, standing next to Brandon and kneeling beside me. He couldn't stop laughing, but as soon as Edwin peeped his head around the staircase, he fell silent.

Everyone else ran downstairs. I could hear their heavy footsteps, tumbling down towards me.

"Yo Nick!" Edwin yelled.

I could hear a "what" coming from upstairs.

"Why's everyone yelling." He said, still upstairs.

His footsteps stopped. He hadn't come downstairs yet, but by the silence, I knew that he'd seen me. It took everything in me not to laugh or open my eyes. He rushed down the stairs, stomping on the steps as he crashed down beside me.

"Aubri." He said, his voice shaking a little. "Babe. Answer me."

His picked my head up from the ground, placing it in his lap with his arms supporting from the sides.

"Call someone! Why are y'all just standing there!" He yelled at them.

"We already did," Edwin lied. "They're coming."

Charlotte and Tiffany sat on the floor beside me, sniffling. I could hear someone pacing back and forth.

"What happened." Nick whispered, his words barely escaping his lips.

"I came downstairs to get water and she was already here." Edwin said. "I think she fell down the stairs. I don't know."

Nick sniffled, stroking my hair. I wanted to open my eyes so badly, but I couldn't.

"She's still breathing." He said softly. "Where the hell is the ambulance."

Someone sighed. One of the girls sounded like they were crying, and I could still feel Zion holding my hand.

"Aight," Nick said finally. "I'm taking her."

"Woah woah woah taking her where."

"To the hospital, fool." Nick said, picking me up. "They're not coming anytime soon."

"Hold on hold on," Edwin said. "You can't take her."

"Why not."

"Because its a prank."

It was silent. I opened my eyes to see Nick holding me, Zion standing beside me, and the girls on the floor.

"What?" Nick breathed.

I laughed softly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He looked around, dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. A moment passed, and he let me go. I stood in front of him, holding his face in my palms. Tears had stained his cheeks, his eyes had turned red, and he was shaking.

"What the hell." He whispered.

The boys began to laugh, Brandon repeating "oh my god" at least twenty times. Austin picked up the camera.

"That was insane." Edwin laughed.

"Bro I've never seen him more freaked out in my life." Zion said, his hands on his head, talking to the camera.

I couldn't stop laughing, but I felt bad. Pulling him into a hug, I whispered 'I'm sorry' into his ear multiple times. He collapsed onto the floor with a big sigh, covering his face with his hands. I knelt down beside him, kissing his forehead.

I turned to the camera. "Heck yeah. we did it."

Austin laughed from behind the lense.

Nick finally stood up and faced the camera. "I'ma get 'em all back." He pulled me into a hug. "Especially this one."

I laughed, kissing his cheek.

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