Twenty Nine

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At 8 o'clock the next morning, we were all in the bus, bags packed and thrown in the bag, sitting in the narrow chairs wearing sweatpants and hoodies. We were all still tired, but as soon as Edwin started to play music, our eyes opened wide and we jumped along to the beat.

"I GOT HOOOEEEESSSS." Zion screamed.

I couldn't stop laughing, sinking in my seat, stomach aching from laughter. Nick sat beside me, banging on the walls of the bus to the beat, encouraging Zion as he screamed along to the song.

He paused and looked at me. "Isn't that mine?"

He pointed to my hoodie. I shrugged with a laugh. "I'm sorry I-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he sat up, grabbed my waist and slipped his hands underneath the fabric. I couldn't stop laughing as he poked me between my ribs and squeezed my stomach. I tried to push his hands away, but he was too strong.

"Stop," I wheezed, trying to catch my breath. "It tickles!!! Nicholas Mara. I swear to God-"

"Swear to God what," he laughed. "You shouldn't have stolen my hoodie."

I shook my head, squirming in my seat. Half a minute later, he finally stopped. I sat still for a moment, catching my breath, then jumped on top of him and tried to do the same thing as he did. But it didn't seem to work the same way. He grabbed my wrists before I could reach his shirt and held them away from him. I screamed with laughter as he pushed me back onto my seat.

"Say you won't do it," he laughed. "Say you won't do it and I'll let go."

"I won't do it," I said, holding back my laughter.

But as soon as he let go, I reached for him again. He grabbed me by the shoulders and held me back against my seat. Before I could try and struggle free, one of the boys' managers walked towards us. Zion paused the music.

"I guess this is how you young people flirt, but save it for later." He said. "It's cute and all but it's not gonna be cute for much longer if one of you ends up in the ER."

We sat back down and nodded. As soon as he walked away, Nick burst out in laughter. The music resumed, and we settled down. Tiffany shook her head in disapproval, but couldn't help herself from smiling.

I leaned my head on Nick's shoulder, looking out the window as we drove through the crowd of cars on the highway.

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