Fifty Two

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We didn't talk for the next few weeks. The others tried calling and texting, but I made up an excuse every time, saying that either I was too busy or it wasn't a great time to talk. I wanted him to call, or text, or do anything to show that he wasn't really just going to leave. But he didn't.

He continued to tweet and post on social media, he posted videos of himself on Snapchat and Instagram, laughing and joking around with all different types of people. A couple of girls seemed to be lingering around him, occasionally appearing in the frame when he was talking to the camera. One of them smiled and waved, played with Nick's hair for a few seconds, then laughed and walked away. I frowned, tapping to the next post.

I did the same thing every weekend: every time they'd throw a party. Brandon had invited me a couple of times, but I shook my head, refusing to show up. If he really wants me, he'll come get me. I said this to myself every day, hoping and praying that he'd realize how much he missed me. But it didn't seem to happen.

I ran into them at Walmart at 1:34 AM. I was with my friend, sitting in the shopping cart in my shorts and hoodie, my hair in a messy bun, as she pushed me around. We headed to the snack aisle, picking up some chips and candy for movie night. I stepped out of the cart and walked towards the Cheetos.


I turned around to see all the guys walking towards me, their baskets filled with snacks and different flavors of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Nick stopped for a moment, then continued walking along with the others. My friend and I said 'hi' and made small talk for a few minutes. Nick looked over at me a few times, but when our eyes met, he'd quickly look away.

"We'd invite you guys over," Austin said. "But it looks like you got something planned already."

He pointed to the mountain of snacks we'd piled up in the cart.

"Yeah," I answered quickly. "We have plans."

They nodded, said 'goodbye', and walked away. Nick stood for a fraction of a second longer, our eyes glued together, before turning slowly to catch up with the others. My friend walked back to the cart, tubs of ice cream in her arms. I stood in the same place for a few seconds, watching as the boys walked further away.

"You okay?"

I turned and nodded, climbing back into the cart.

"Hannah." I said slowly.

She looked up.

"I miss him."

She sighed, pushing us towards the self-checkout. "I know. Now we have something else to cry about later."

I laughed. "I'm sorry."

She shrugged. "It's not your fault."

"They're having another party tomorrow." I frowned.

She looked up. "Let's go."

I raised my eyebrows. "No way."

"Yes!" Her face lit up. "Get all dressed up and look nice and hook up with someone right in front of him."

I laughed. "I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because one, there's no way anyone there would be willing to hook up with me. And two, there's no one there that I would be willing to hook up with."


"Hannah!" I laughed. "No. That's where this whole problem came from."

She shrugged. "So?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"He broke your heart, go break his."

"I can't do that to Z either."

She shrugged again. "He'd be happy to."

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