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HEYYYYY. So this is my first story so please dont hate it. Just read it and hope you like it.

I DO NOT own any characters except Harmony and thats it.



Chapter 1-

Im Harmony Ferris. I do what any normal 16 year old would do. I wake up, brush my hair, eat, brush my teeth and then go out in a killing spree. So that last part isnt normal, but its my normal. Last year I lost everything. My family, my childhood home, and even my sanity. It was late onw night and woke up to the house on fire and my family dead with smiles cut into their faces. See I was sleeping in the attic that night, so the killer missed me. So I ran. I left eveything inside and ran straight outside. Eveyone thought I died that night. And I guess alittle part of me did die that night. My name was Alyssa Fancing but when I ran I ran far. I went out of state and changed my name. Now Im Harmony Ferris, because Alyssa did die in that fire. The person who killed my family was Jeff the Killer. He terrorized the states killing anyone with a heartbeat. He ruined my family. He ruined me. He ruined eveything! A killer took eveything from me, so if I deserve to lose eveything so did everyone else. I pulled a back hoodie over my head and made sure my knife was still in the pocket. It was early, 3 a.m. early. I steathily went out the door and into my neighbors house. She was an old lady. She was dieing anyways. I made my way up to her bedroom where she was sleeping. I gripped my knife tighter in my hand and rose it above her stomach. Her eyes bulged open.

"Ahhh!!!" She screamed in agony. Her eyes widened even more as she looked up at me.

"Harmony? Why?" She whispered as he reached up and lightly tugged on my dark black hair.

I smirked "Oh Ms.Downing" I slapped her hand off my hair. "Shhh." I whispered putting a finger over her lips." It will all be over soon." I quickly stabbed her in the heart leaving her cold and lifeless.Lastly, I cut a smile into her face. Not exactly original but it would lead the cops off my trail. They would think it was Jeff the Killer. I went to three other houses, killing a total of 5 people, before returning home.

》》At the Creepypasta Mansion《《

》》》Jeff's P.O.V.《《《

I was on the couch watching T.V. with BEN and Maskey when "Breaking News" flashed across the screen.

"Five victims were found murdered in their homes last night. Over the last few weekd over 25 people have been murdered. Police believe it is the work of none other than Jeff the Killer. Police are working frantically to find this monster. But until then lock your doors and windows, and dont be on the streets after dark and if you see Jeff immediately call 911..."

"JEFF!" Slenderman turned to me and yelled. I put my hands up "Hey I haven't killed in a few days and those people who were killed last night, wasnt by me."

BEN spoke up. "Hes right. Jeff was here all last night." Slenderman, who seemed to have calmed down spoke again. " Jeff if that is true there is another killer out there who is copying your kills. They are drawing attention to you and that can bd bad for all of us. This is a serious problem and we could be discovered here!"

Woah wait. Did he just say someone is copying my killing techniques? Who the hell does this guy think he is? I slammed by drink on the table and stood up.

"Who the hell is this person? Thinking they can copy me? I am going to find this guy and kill him!

Eveyone starred at me and nodded.

"The sooner this is done the better." Slenderman said pointing to the door. I started to leave as Slenderman sent one of his proxies, Maskey, to come along and make sure I dont cause any "trouble." I rolled my eyes. "Listen I dont need you to come and babysit me so you can go back now"

"No I cant.I comimg to make sure you dont mess anything else up. God knows you can!" He snapped

Whoever you are be ready because to hell am I going to let some rookie killer copy me.Go.To.Sleep.

Chapter 2- Harmony's P.O.V

"....Work of none of other than Jeff the Killer...." This is perfect. No one even suspects me.

As I was thinking the power went out.

" What the hell? " I moaned. I got up and tried the lights.

Nothing. Thats just great! I walked into my bedroom and saw the outline of a person, or at least I thought it was a person. I grabbed my knife and held it up. "Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?" I shouted.

"Braver than I expected. I thought you would be more afraid." The figure spoke.

"Me? Afraid? im the killer here. it is you who should be afraid!" I said inching closer to the figure. But to my suprise the figure walked straight up to me.

"Well, you arent the only killer out there. I am Zalgo. I have been watching you for awhile now Alyssa." He knew my name. My name. But how? No one knew my real name. I was shaking now. But I couldnt let this Zalgo dude know I was afraid.

"Well obviously you havent been watching very closely because my name isn't Alyssa."

He frowned and began to speak again.

"Well my apologies Harmony.Thats right, after your family was murdered you moved out of state and changed your identity.

I lowered my weapon, if he was going to kill me he would of done it already, not introduce himself.

"How do you know that?" I asked quitely.

"Like I said I have been watching you. Ii saw you kill those innocent people. How you killed them. I saw everything. But I think you could be of use to me." He smiled. By this time my knife wasnt even in my hand anymore, which probably wasnt the smartest thing.

"H-How could I help you?"

"Well you can kill people.... uh... rather well. You see, I am in a war I am trying to gather an army, and you Ms. Harmony caught my eye."

Hmm. This guy was asking me to be in his army. He was asking for"

I shrugged. "Why not? If I get to stab a few people why not?"

"Perfect. I will be seeing you soon Ms. Harmony, just try to to get yourself killed I need you for this." Then he turned and jumped out of my bedroom window.

What just happened? What did I just do?

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