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HEYYY! Sorry for not updating in awhile.... been busy :(

So just keep reading and likin!!!

tell me what you think!!!!

Keep bein awesome.♡♡♡

Chapter-10 Harmony's P.O.V.

It woke up to hear the front door open and close serveral times.

I groaned and put the pillow over my head.

I had been at the Creepypasta mansion fof about 3 days. I liked everyone they seemed nice and they were killers-which were definitely my type!

I finally woke up to the mansion.... empty.

Then I spotted Jeff on the couch watching T.V.

"Where is everyone?" I questioned curiously.


"What! Why didnt anyone wake me up?" I demanded.

He shrugged and continued to watch his show.

I sat down on couch next to Jeff. My heart started to skip a beat.

Harmony calm down. You hate him. Stop. Just ignore him.

But finally I sighed in boredom.

"what?" He snapped.

"Im bored.Your not very good at entertainment Jeff."I teased.

He smirked. "Oh really Harmony?"

The next thing I knew I was on the floor being pinned on my back.

"This isnt what I meant Jeff!" I moaned.

"You think your so tough. Well lets see about that." His face close to mine.

"I am tough." I laughed, excepting the challenge.

I kicked him off and planted his head down, pinning him on his back.

"See?" I gloated.

"I do remember you saying "Dont get so cocky so quick." He recited.

I giggled. "Surpr-"

I was cut off by Jeff kicking me off and holding me down on my stomach.

"Had enough yet?"

I barely mangaged to slide out of his grip and onto my back.

"You know Jef-"

I stopped because. ... well Jeff was kissing me.

I wasn't sure if I should kiss back or not. Sure I kinda liked him.... but I wasnt sure yet.

He sensed I wasnt kissing back, but he didnt stop.

And his lips felt so soft. His warm body agsinst mine. I wanted to kiss back! I really really wanted to!

But before I got the chance he pulled away. "H-Harmony. I swwear I-I didnt mean to." He reassured me.

I hopped to my feet.


Before I could even get my next word out he was gone.

"Its okay Jeff." I whispered to myself, knowing he could not hear me.

Time skip. Harmony leaving.

"Thanks again everyone!"

Everyone was crowded around the door to say goodbye.

After I had thanked everyone I looked through the crowd to find Jeff.

"Who you looking for?" Jane observed.

I shook my head. "No one.. Just Jeff."

Her eyes got wide.

"Are you and Jeff-"

My skin was crimson red. I could feel the heat moving and spreading around causing me to blush even more!

Keep your cool Harm....Calm down.

"No no!" I reassured her. "Just wondering so I could kick his ass." I joked cracking a half smile.

She nodded and walked away.

Jeff's P.O.V.

You kissed her Jeff! Your so stupid! She didnt even kiss back. How could you do this? I cannot be falling for her! No way!

I took another sip from my bottle of Rum.

This is pathetic! I thought, throwing the empty bottle into the gutter.

I quietly crept into a small apartment. I saw a girl about Harmony's age on the floor passed out with a bottle of vodka in the hand.

I shook my head. ""

Zalgo's P.O.V.

I have recruited 6 other men for my army. My army is truly a force to be reckoned with! Slenderman and his ignorant army will have no clue what hit them!

The next thing I knew I was in Harmony's room.

"Hi." She said with that sweet voice.

"Harmomy," I walked over to her and crashed my lips into hers.

I pulled away.

"Is something wrong?" I inquired.

She bit her lip. Jeez was she cute.

"Nothing Zalgo. Nothing at all." She said smiling, pulling me back in.

"Harmony I need a favor to ask you."

She looked at me in curiosity.


" I need you to spy on the Creepypasta for me."

Harmony's P.O.V.

"I need you to spy on the Creepypastas for me."

I gulped.

"What? I am definitely going to get caught and killed!"

I managed to smile a bit.

"Of course. You will have to show me the way."

He nodded.

"Of course my Harmony."

My? I was not his!

He pulled me in for another kiss.

Putting his forehead to mine he spoke. " I need you to capture and bring me Sally."

"Sally!" I exclaimed. "Shes a little girl."

He looked at me confused.

"You know her?"

"I do believe you mentioned her before Zalgo." I lied convincingly.

He glanced at me suspiciously but finally nodded.

" Bring her to me by tomorrow night."

He walked over to the window.

"You know where to meet."

Then he was gone.

Kidnap Sally? Why? How could I? she was a little girl. Was he going to torture her?

"Damn it!" I screamed throwing my knife across the room!

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