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60 likes!!! That's insane in the membrane! Haha.

Action/romance coming soon I promise!!!! Just keep reading!


Mkay:) ENJOY!!!!

Chapter-8 Maskey's P.O.V.


What the... I thought to myself.

I look at the clock on my night stand, it was 2:30 a.m.

What the hell was that loud thump?

I decided to get up and investigate. My door loudly creaked open.

Damn it!

I crept down the stair into the kitchen.

I heard what sounded like a girl chuckling. Then the laughing got louder, then suddenly it was right behind me.

"Looking for someone?" The girl teased.

"Yeah. Someone to kill." I said turning around and stabbing her in the chest.

She dropped a little and cried out. She must not of been a creepy pasta.

"Haha. I don't think so." She rose up and threw 3 dart like blades at me.

Hah she though that hurt? She obviously didn't know what she's in for...... Wait what's going on? My knees started to feel weak, my eyelids were heavy and started closing. Who was this girl?

" Compliments of Zalgo." She snickered.

Then she slowly walked up to me, her face was clear now, her name was A.....

Harmony's P.O.V.

After Zalgo had left I slipped out the door and headed towards the woods.

But I couldn't remember where the house was. Come on Harmony. Where is it?

Then Slenderman appeared infront of me, then Sally, and Jack and Jeff...

"What's going on?" I asked

Everyone shot me a dirty look.

"Like you don't know!" Jane retorted.

My heart stopped. Had she already came? Was Maskey already taken?

Then one of Slenderman's tentacles reached out and grabbed my tightly around the waste.

"You knew about it!" He yelled straight into my face.

I finally managed to find my voice "I came her to tell you I swear!" I was crying by this time." It's a girl. His helper is a girl."I was about to hyperventilate by this time " and tonight he wants me to help him torture him. But I won't. I swear!"

Slenderman set me down.

Then I saw blood coming out of my neck.

Jeff came running towards me. I fell to the ground.

The next thing I knew Jeff's face was so close to mine I could feel his cool breath against my face.

"We made this deal with you so this wouldn't happen. " He growled.

I managed to push him off of me.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." I lied, convincingly.

I quickly made up my plan and explained it to the others.

Jack nodded and said "You know Harmony, this might just work."

Slenderman nodded in agreement as well. "Your next job is to find out who is girl is, got it?"

"And don't mess it up!" Jeff snapped, which pissed me off even more.

I won't, that would make my immortality be at stake, and I wouldn't find out who this girl was and help Maskey. So Zalgo be ready.

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