Kirishima! Quirk: Gay Thoughts

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Ever since that Saturday night, the only thing Bakugo heard about was his "girlfriend."

"What color is her hair?" Ashido asked.
"Is she sexy?" Kaminari asked.
"What's her name?" Sero asked.

These questions were left unanswered as the teens entered their classroom, barely on time as usual.

As usual, Bakugo zoned out during his lessons. How the fuck was he gonna get out of this one? It's not like he can just randomly pick up someone and have sex with them, he's not the most approachable person out there. All of this thinking gave him a headache.

He ended up going to the school nurse and getting an excuse to leave early. This was partially because he didn't want to deal with the leeches named Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari.

Bakugo didn't live very far from the school, he lived about a ten minute walk away. Thus, he started his walk home that goes through the alleyways of his town. He usually takes back allies to avoid people.

Bakugo walked toward his home, zoned the fuck out at that. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud voice yelling "LOOK OUT!"

Someone slammed into him Suddenly he was on the ground with the breath knocked out of him. Also, someone laying on top of him. He looked up to see a MASTERPIECE of a boy with spiky red hair. He stood up quickly.

"WHAT THE FUCK, YOU SHITTY HAIR??" Bakugo lashed out and the boy stepped back. "I didn't mean to!!! I stumbled!" Shitty-Hair said.

Bakugo was blinded with anger, which was not out of the ordinary, and ran at the boy with his explosive power. He punched, expecting for the boy to go flying, but he stayed put.


After the smoke cleared, he saw that the boy's skin had formed into a stone-like material. "Those pansy explosions aren't gonna do anything to me" the boy said in a low voice, along with a laugh.

Bakugo pushed himself away and ran the rest of the way home. Pansy?! His explosions were extremely powerful, even shitty-hair couldn't doubt that!

He practically threw himself into his house and locked the door. It was only 11:35 a.m, and he was starting to get hungry. Convince store? Hell Yeah™️

He reached into his pocket for his wallet. Not there. He started to freak out a bit, looking all over his clothes and in his school bag. All of the money his parents have him for two FUCKING MONTHS was in there, along with a lot of his personal information. He flopped onto the couch and yelled in frustration. That BEAUTIFUL boy must have found it. After their little brawl.

About an hour passed and Bakugo heard a knock on his door. It was the shitty haired boy.

"Hey, uhhh, Bakugo? I think you dropped your wallet. I saw your name and address on it and there was a lot of money in it so I thought I should try to give it back!" He said, smiling with his pointy teeth.

Bakugo blushes slightly and accepted his wallet. "Thanks, uhhh..."


"Yeah, thanks Kirishima." Bakugo said and Kirishima walked away from the front door.

Thank fucking god. Now Bakugo wouldn't starve for 2 whole months.

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