Away from the Crowd

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My favorite headcannon in my hero academia is that people try to guess people's quirks before they know them. And I like to think everyone gets curious~~


Before he knew it, Bakugo was being dragged into the salty ocean water by his friends. Kirishima backed off, since they didn't actually know each other that well.

As most of the teenagers were swimming, YaoMomo and Kirishima were setting up towels and umbrellas.

"So, you know the bleach-blond guy?" YaoMomo asked Kirishima with a mischievous look on her face. Kirishima went red. "You know it's not like that! I just happen to know him, is all. He exudes straight energy, anyway" the redhead replied.

"No way! My gaydar goes off when I see him. Definitely a power bottom." YaoMomo said.

"It's not okay to talk about people like that! You don't know him! Look, he's talking with Uraraka right now. He's probably flirting! " Kirishima said as they listened in on Bakugo and Uraraka's conversation.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR, ROUND-FACE?" Bakugo yelled, shaking water from his hair from Uraraka's splashing.


"Yeah, he's being a real ladies man, Kiri." YaoMomo said sarcastically. Kirishima could even argue, he was being a complete ass.

"I wonder what his quirk is...I'm intrigued" YaoMomo pondered out loud. Kirishima smiled.

"I know what it is, but I'm sure as hell not telling you!" He giggled.

"WHATTTT? Why not? Wait, how do you know?"

"Issa secret"

After hearing out YaoMomo's complaints, he sat down on a beach towel and looked at his friends. Kirishima (the flaming homosexual) couldn't help but take a look at shirtless Bakugo. Why not, right?

What?? He's fucking RIPPED

His staring ended when he heard a yell, seemingly directed at him.

"Oi, Shitty Hair! Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Bakugo yelled. Kirishima felt his face turn as red as his hair. It didn't seem like too many people heard him, but he did hear a few people go "Ooooouu"

Bakugo walked up to Kirishima, who had suddenly gone shy.

He must be overwhelmed with the people at the beach

"Hey, we're going on a walk. Come on" Bakugo said. Kirishima looked up.

"W-we're what? I can just stay h-" Kirishima tried to say, but Bakugo grabbed his arm and they started running in the opposite direction of their friends. Somehow no one saw them.

Soon enough, both of the boys were out of breath. They had reached a small spot of the beach. It was a mix of bushes, grass, and sand and had a beautiful view of the ocean.

"BITCH THAT WASN'T A WALK THAT WAS A RUN" Kirishima panted. He sat down on the sand, looking up at Bakugo.

"Why are we here? Not that I mind" Kirishima asked.

"I just wanted to get away from all the people. Plus you looked like you were bored. Why weren't you coming into the water with us?" Bakugo asked, sitting right beside Kirishima. They were only a few centimeters apart.

Kirishima blushed.

"D-don't make fun of me...but..." he trailed off. Bakugo raised an eyebrow.

"I won't" Bakugo said. Ever since they left everyone else, Kirishima noticed that Bakugo got a lot quieter and less aggressive.

" might be possible that I can't swim" Kirishima said, laughing nervously. "Oh, that's all? That's not too big of a deal, Shitty Hair." Bakugo said, surprising Kirishima.

"Wow, I expected you to say something more harsh. Thanks..." Kirishima said.

Bakugo blushed. He didn't know what he was feeling, but it wasn't normal.

I think I have a goddamn stomachache. Yeah, that's it.

The two boys sat there for another hour and talked. Bakugo decided that he liked the presence of Kirishima, even though he didn't know him very well.

"I think Mina is trying to get with YaoMomo or whatever her name is" Bakugo said, making Kirishima's eyes widen.

"Really?? Is Mina gay?" Kirishima replies and Bakugo shook his head 'yes.'

"She's probably worrying herself sick trying to figure out if YaoMomo is gay. She tends to do that." Bakugo mused. Kirishima laughed.

"Oh, she's extremely gay. Like off the charts gay." Kirishima told Bakugo. "Well, that's good for Mina then." he replied. The conversation died down again.

Kirishima took out his phone and handed it to Bakugo. Bakugo looked up at him, confused.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this, Shitty Hair?" Bakugo asked seriously. Kirishima blushed for what seemed like the 100th time today.

"Put your number in it, silly..."

"O-only if you want to...I understand if you don't want to" Kirishima followed up shyly.

"Don't be stupid, Shitty Hair, of course I'll give it to you" Bakugo said quietly as he opened up a contact on Kirishima's phone and put his number in it.

Kirishima held his phone after Bakugo was done. He read over the contact.

'Bakugo Katsuki'

Soon enough, the boys saw that the sun had began to set.

"I think we should head back. After all we did disappear without a trace" Kirishima giggled.

"Yeah, good idea."

Bakugo and Kirishima both stood up and slowly made their way back to where their friends were set up on the beach.

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