This Chapter is Gay (just like the person reading it)

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The friend group walked together until they reached a crosswalk. Bakugo and Kirishima split away from the group, since Bakugo's house was in a different direction.

The two boys walked close to each other, holding hands. Kirishima put a bit of space between them so they could walk safely and not trip. But, Bakugo just moved back closer to where there was no space between them. Kirishima laughed.

"What's so funny, shitty hair?" Bakugo asked. Kirishima could only smile and look at him. "You're so touchy when you're with me. Don't get me wrong, I love it a lot, but you just never seemed like the type to be cuddly," he explained. Bakugo thought for a moment.

"I guess" he started "maybe it's because I'm touch starved and I love you," he said without thinking, realizing what he said. Kirishima's eyes widened as both of them turned red.

"Y-you love me?" Kirishima asked, in awe. Bakugo turned his face away to hide his redness. "Yeah, I fuckin' said it," he said lowly. Kirishima smiled softly as they walked up to Bakugo's front door.

"I love you too, Bakugo. So much" he said, facing the blond boy. Their faces were almost as red as the color of their eyes. Bakugo suddenly pulled Kirishima into a tight hug.

They didn't speak, for the love surrounding the two was loud enough to be heard. After about a minute, they stopped hugging.

"Let's go inside, shitty hair," Bakugo said, opening his front door for Kirishima to go in first. The blond boy followed him in, yawning. While Bakugo wasn't paying attention, Kirishima turned around and quickly picked up Bakugo, holding him over his shoulder.

"SHITTY HAIR??? PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE I CASTRATE YOU" Bakugo yelled as Kirishima laughed, running into Bakugo's bedroom. He threw him down on Bakugo's bed, giving him a quick kiss. Once again, Bakugo was blushing.

"You blush easy, huh?"

Kirishima loved annoying his boyfriend, out of pure love, of course. He lied down on the bed next to Bakugo, looking at the boy next to him.

The light from the window peeking softly through the blinds, shining slightly on Bakugo's face. It shone on his eyes, showing the deep crimson color. It also shone on his hair, showing the spiky, yet soft looking strands. Bakugo looked up, seeing Kirishima staring at him.

"What are you staring at?" he asked sleepily.
"You're so pretty," Kirishima said, pulling Bakugo into a cuddle.

"You're annoying," Bakugo said, smiling. He cuddled into his boyfriend's chest, feeling more comforted than he had in a very long time.

I'm back on my bullshit, so I decided to continue this story. I was planning on leaving it, but I realized how much people enjoyed it and how I left off at a weird spot. Enjoy this fluff while I figure out what I'm gonna do with the plot!

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