sick boys that arent really sick boys

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For the rest of the evening, the boys layed together. Soon enough, it was nightfall and they hadn't even moved.

"Ugh, is it already late? I guess I have to go ahead and go home..." Kirishima started, but Bakugo just snuggled back into him.

"Can you stay over?" Bakugo mumbles in to Kirishima softly. As usual, Kirishima just melts into Bakugo's requests.

"O-okay...I'll skip tomorrow. I'll text my mom and say I got sick..." Kirishima said, blushing. Bakugo cracked a smile.

"I will, too"

The next morning, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero were all sitting in class with utter confusion. It was already 30 minutes into their first class, and Bakugo wasn't here yet. Yeah, he's late a lot, but never this late.

The twenty minutes turned to to an hour, and an hour turned into several. The teens assumed that Bakugo wasn't coming.

At lunch, Mina slammed her fists onto the table, scaring Kaminari and Sero.

"THIS MEANS WAR" she yelled.

By the end of the day, they were sprinting to Bakugo's house. Or more, Mina was sprinting and Kaminari and Sero were speedwalking.

"MINA-SLOW THE FUCK DOWN WERE NOT ATHLETIC" Sero yelled and Kaminari panted. Mina ignored them, running down the rough sidewalk that leads to Bakugo's house.

In the distance, the teens saw Bakugo's house begin to appear. It came closer to them quickly and Sero and Kaminari brought themselves to a halt. But, Mina didn't exactly stop herself. Soon enough, there was a huge crashing sound as Mina threw herself into the door. The door didn't budge, but Mina was on the ground.! But, she bounced back up.

"BAKUGO FUCKING KATSUKI OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW IN GONNA KILL YOU YOU B I T C H" Mina screamed while slamming on the door. They heard the door unlock and slowly crack open.

"Hello?" they heard a voice that was way too soft to be Bakugo's ask. Once the door opened, it revealed Kirishima, in pajama pants and no shirt. His hair was down and unmade, making him look a lot softer than the Kirishima that they knew.

"Is Bakugo in there??" Mina asked, almost frantic over Kirishima opening the door. Kirishima smiled a bit.

"Yeah, he came down with a cold. What's wrong?" He asked like the pure angel he is.

"It's just the fact that he dissapeared after being...uh...weird yesterday" Kaminari spoke up from behind Mina, who was basically in shock at this point.

"He's good. I'm taking care of him." Kirishima said, making Mina literally squeal.

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE THAT DOMESTIC ALREADY?" Mina said, having basically a fan girl moment. Kirishima's eyes widened at the fact that Mina knew.

"W-WHAT??" Kirishima asked nervously as he heard Bakugo yell. "Kirishima? What's going on?" from the bedroom.

"GOTTA GO" Kirishima said, locking the door in front of him after he slammed it, leaving the BakuSquad alone outside, rushed.

"OH NOT THIS AGAIN" Kaminari spoke up, knocking on the door more. There wasn't an answer, making the teens leave eventually, curious as to why Kirishima cut them off so quickly.

Kirishima walked back into the bedroom where Bakugo was laying, definitely not sick. Kirishima smiled softly as he crawled back into bed and Bakugo snuggled into his side, feeling himself sink into sleep.

IM SO SORRY ABOUT MY INACTIVITY IVE BEEN HAVING TO STUDY A LOT AHHHH. If you wanna keep up w me I'm @ edgykiri on Twitter and @ edgykirishima on instagram

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