Part 7

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Opening night. I am crazy nervous. luckily I don't have to dance at all in the first act, but in the second act it's all on me. I am waiting on stage right and I am practically shaking. Buy before I can even think, I am on. 

I start to dance to the music and before I know it I am lost in the music and the song is over. I perform in a large portion of the second act and suddenly the first show is over. Now only 21 more shows to go. I step off of the show and remember how exhausting performing is and suddenly I can't wait for my day off on Monday. 

After changing into my street clothes and not bothering to take off my stage makeup, I then gather my bag and head out to find Ant. I see him waiting outside on a bench and I run up and kiss him. "Zar, you were wonderful!" he tells me. "I swear I messed up five million times," I tell him. "Ohh Z this is the boyfriend," I hear my other best friend Ashley say. "Yeah," I say blushing. "A, this is Ashley. We have danced together since we were five," I tell him. "Cool," he says laughing. "I'll leave you two alone," Ashley says before leaving. 

After we get to Anthony's apartment, I crash onto his couch. "You good there darling?" he asks me laughing. "Yeah I'm just exhausted and sweaty," I say. "Go shower," he tells me. "But all of my stuff is at my apartment," I tell him. "Just use my stuff and you can stay the night," he tells me. "Ok," I say before going off to shower. 

After getting out of the shower I throw on Anthony's old baseball sweatshirt and I am surrounded in his sent. I then go and cuddle with him while watching the office. "Zar, would you like to have in with me?" he asks. "I would love that," I tell him before snuggling into his chest. 

-Christmas Eve (Zar's last performance)-

My last ever ballet performance. I was more nervous tonight because the whole Hamilton cast was here to see me dance. As soon as I went on for my solo I saw the whole cast. The all looked at me and smiled, I on the other hand, looked away. After I finished the performance it was time for bows. After we all bowed they made me step forward and lest me bow one last time. The choreographer had a little speech about how I was leaving and by the end I was crying. 

After my tear fest I was in a huddle backstage with all of the apprentices the corp, the soloists, the principals, and even all of the choreographers. They all came up to say goodbye to me and eventually I was out of the door. As soon as I walked out of the door I head several people yell, "ZARA!" I quickly turned around to see it was the whole Hamilton cast. They all congratulated me and told me I was amazing everything was amazing until a 10 dollar bill flew out of my pocket into the street and I went to pick it up. After I picked it up I went to walk back to the cast, but the last thing I remember was a car going at an insanely fast speed coming towards me, a few screams, and the darkness and silence.

Word count- 582

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