Part 14

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(I listened to this song while writing so I think you should too.)

It's been a few days since I've gotten back from Rome, and I really miss it. It's so nice to have a care in the world, but ever since I have ended it with Anthony I feel like a part of me Is missing. 

I was simply sitting on my couch watching Netflix when I get an odd call. I look at it suspiciously before picking it up. "Hello?" I ask. "Hello this is the NYPD are we speaking to Zara Perez?" they ask. "This is her," I say back into the phone. "Do you happen to know Anthony Ramos?" they ask again. "Yes," I ask suspiciously. "Can you please come to his apartment immeadatitly," they ask. "Yes I will be there soon," I say before hanging up are running out of the door. 

I run all the way to Antony's apartment. I open the door and I see the police all standing in the apartment. "What the hell is happening?" I ask. "Anthony has attempted suicide and is currently in the hospital. He has written this note to you and we would like to ask you a few questions," they say while handing me a letter. "I'll be back," I say before leaving the apartment. 

Once I get back to my apartment I opened the note,


I love you. I really do. I was an idiot. I messed up your whole life because I was stupid. I tried to get over you, but I just can't. You were so happy while you were away, so I thought I should just leave this earth to make you happier. I love you so much and you hate me so much. All I want is for you to be happy. I will love you for eternity Zara. I love you so much. All I want is for you to find some peace and happiness in life. Move on from me. I will love you till the day I die.

 Raise a glass to freedom,


I read this and I start balling. I then rush to the hospital. After running for what seems like forever I finally get to the hospital, and more important Ant's room. I walk in to see him watching tv. "You're one hell of a guy," I say. I then see him look up at me. "Zara," he says weakly. "Shh," I say before walking over to him. "You know if you were gone from my life you would have made it worse," I tell him. "Z, I'm sorry," he says. "No don't be," I tell him. Soon enough a nurse comes in. She tells us that Anthony can go home but he must be with someone at all times for two weeks. 

Soon enough we get back to my apartment and I curl up with Anthony on the couch. I slowly feel a tear roll down my cheek before Ant brings my face up to meet his. "Zara, I love you and always will. I was an idiot hurting you and I know it," he says seriously. "You are, but Anthony I love you. I may have seemed like I was happy without you, but I felt like a piece of me was missing. I  still love you, and I know since we both love each other so much we can make it work." 

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