Part 13

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It's been 4 weeks since Anthony has gotten back and my life has seemed to go in a downward spiral. Most nights I am restless and end up cutting myself. I can't even seem to think straight. I really miss my old life before I met Anthony. Sure most days I was trying to find the salary to survive, but I was happy. I really miss all of my old friends mainly my best friends Tiler and Parker. 

As I am thinking of them I have a genius idea. What if we do a friends vacation. I first call Lin to see if I could leave the show for two weeks and he agrees. Next, I call Tiler. I explain to her my idea to go to Rome for two weeks. She then agrees and starts to look up tickets and hotel rooms. I then call Parker. I tell him the plan and he agrees. Tiler books our tickets and I start packing because we leave tomorrow. 

-Next Day-

I wake up at 5 am to get ready. I put on a champion hoodie, black leggings, and some vans. I then make coffee, brush my teeth, and put my hair up. By 6:00 all three of us are in the uber on our way to the airport.  

We get to JFK at about 6:45 for our 8:00 flight. Once we check in and grab some coffee we have some time to spare, so what do we do? We decide to stretch. Sure we got some stares for doing our splits on the floor, but it didn't matter to us.  We were going to have the best time of our lives and I won't let anybody stop us. 

Before I can even process it we are on the ground in Rome, Italy. We then found our hotel called the Hotel Morgana. It was located about a mile from the Colosseum and was 1 block away from the Termini Station. (A/N This is the actual hotel I stayed at in Italy so all of the places they will be at are all based on my experiences in Rome)  Tiler and I shared a room, while Parker had the room right next to ours. Once we set our stuff down we all decide to go get Mcdonalds in Italy. It was just a 5-minute walk away and we did not want to get dressed up just to go to dinner. 

After dinner, we then went back to the hotel and crashed. As much as I wanted to sleep I had to talk to Tiler and Parker. "Guys, I'm thinking about leaving the show," I tell them honestly. "I understand," Parker says. "Me too, if my two-time cheating boyfriend was still there I would want to get away from him," Tiler says. "Ok, because I got a call the other day from Tina Fey and she wants me to be Regina George in Mean Girls broadway, and rehearsals start in 3 months," I tell them. "Do it, Zar," they tell me. "I will," I say before drifting off to sleep. 

A/N: Hey guys sorry I've been inconsistent school has been driving me crazy. I also meant to upload last night, but I had a really bad anxiety attack and I could not feel motivated to update. And sorry these chapters seem boring, but these are just fillers and I will get new chapters up soon. 

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