Chapter 17: Friends Equal Bad Endings

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Everyone began to look for the Wolf-man. No one was scared air freaking out, but they were worried of loosing him or someone getting hurt, and everyone was more focused on that than getting ripped to shreds.

Bishop was told by Hans to teleport around, so I had to look alone. Honestly, I didn't know where to start looking. If I were a Wolf-man, where would I go?--nothing. I scrambled through tents and trees, looking quietly, making sure if he was anywhere near, I wouldn't trigger anything.

I really wanted Bishop's help, but I knew he'd be better off on his own at this point. He was a celestial being, he didn't need a at girl slowing him down.

I ran through the members, bumping into shoulders with saying anything, pushing past others--I was being disrespectful and I knew it, but no one cared right now.

"Wolf-man! Come on, big guy!"

Some of the members rattle cow bells and chains, and I assumed the Wolf-man liked those noise. Alexander Ribbs spotted me continuing to frantically search, and he patted my back with a bony finger. "Grab a pot an' a wooden spoon," he said, an I did so. When I returned, he also had a pot and a wooden spoon, and we both hit the pot as loud as we could with the spoons.

"Come on, Wold-man! Where are you, Wolf-man? Come on out!"


We were unlucky. we were too late. We were too stupid.

When the Wolf-man returned, he was returned unconscious by Crepsley. The Wolf-man was thrown over Crepsley's shoulder when he entered camp grounds.

Darren followed behind Crepsley, head bowed, blood staining his clothes.


I felt stick to my stomach. I clung onto Bishop, wrapping my arms around his back and torso. He held my hand tightly. I didn't even want to think about who the blood belonged to.

Darren followed Crepsley into Mr. Tall's tent after Crepsley had out the Wolf-man back into his cage, and I hadn't seen them all night since.

Bishop and I returned to our tent. He placed me on the bed, making sure I was comfortable, and then made his way to the record player.

He picked up the very same record he played this morning and put it in, placing the nozzle on top, and turning to me.

It started in the middle of the song, where only the instrumental was playing, softly, calmly, and quietly. Bishop kneeled next to the bed, placing his hand on mine. He looked at me with those deep-sea blue eyes and sighed.

"Whatever happened today, no matter how bad it was or how bad you think it was, just please, know that it was not Darren's fault. He's trying so hard,"

I nodded, though I couldn't really promise it. If something bad had happened tonight, it wasn't completely on Darren, but he was the one covered in blood.

"What ever happened to you two? I've heard you were friends, almost lovers, really. Why are you so angry with him?"

I looked straight into Bishop's eyes. "Because, Darren put me through some of the worst problems ever. I ran away because of him, I clawed my sister because of him, I left my best friends because of him--I cried for hours because of him!"

"Yes, I understand... But, if he never would've done what he's done, then you wouldn't have clawed your sister, you wouldn't have ran away and left your friends, and you wouldn't have been free from torture. You must realize, Cammie, that what Darren has down was only the right thing."

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