Crashing in

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"And it's now that I make my apparition! I just need to remember my actions. Wait 5 seconds, open the door,turn around, close the door,say my text by facing the girls and wait for Rebel to say her text." thought Brittany waiting for the beginning signal.
"Annnnd, Action!"
The redheaded woman starts her movements and actions but suddenly got stop by the producer.
"Brittany, you forgot to close the door!" she says.
"I'm sorry!"
"It's fine, get back in position."
The actresss walk back outside the door.
"Wait 5 seconds, open the door, turn around, close the door, say my text by facing the girl and wait for Rebel to reply...Don't forget to act the expressions!" she thoughts again.
"Cut! Perfect Brittany, stay on the X that is on the ground. Now Kendrick, after that Rebel welcome Brittany's character, stand up and walk--" starts the woman.
-Walk slowly towards Rebel, look at Brittany while I say my text, yeah I know don't worry!" finishes Kendrick with a confident face.
Anna started her play when suddenly, the fire exit door opens up in a big noise, letting Anna Camp enter in hurry with a teen girl in her arms. Everybody went silent and then they all gasp. Brittany didn't know why until she sees the blood flowing down from the teenager.
"I need some help guys!" shout Camp, struggling to support the almost fainting girl. Everyone rushes to them and put the teen on a chair.
"What happened??" ask Chrissi to Camp.
"I found her in the back street crying and bleeding as hell! I asked her her name and age and what happened and she didn't answered me!" panics Anna.

Hey guys! I know this chapter is kinda short...Sorry but I got stuck.Don't worry, idea will come eventually!

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