Time to shine.

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A guy was coming and going in the entrance. Hiding behind a container, the teen looks at the times he takes to walk
. He has a gun. A Glock 19. She needs to wait 5 seconds.
She runs out of her hiding spot and jumps on the guy who didn't see her coming. She covers his mouth and takes his right hand like this he can't take his Glock 19. Summer throws the weapon away and hit him in the "soft part". He groans in pain but nobody could hear him. He tries to catch her with his left hand but she dodges his hand. Repeating to herself that it was for Brittany, the girl pushes on his neck, where he could immediately get asleep. The man falls to the ground. "He's gonna sleep for at least... More then 3 hours," thinks Emily. She looks at the gun on the ground and hesitates. Her parents showed her how to use them but was it necessary? "Whatever!". She takes it and put the weapon in her pocket. The teenager enters the old supermarket, quietly. Two overused counter were watched by two other guys. "Where do they even come from?!" she thinks, noticing them. "They don't have a big budget for a drug company, they all have a Glock 19!". She tries to get closer but accidentally kicks a fish can. The two dudes look at each other.
"What are you waiting for Will!?" says the first one.
"You go!" replies the fatter man. The first one rolls eyes and walks toward the teen hiding spot, Glock 19 pointing on the ground. She back up and he continues his way, still not seeing her. When he is out the second one vision, she makes him fall to the ground with her leg, punches him in the face, put his gun away. He makes a little shout before she puts him to sleep.
"Sam?" asks the second dude.
She comes out of her corner, hands in the air.
"I give up! I am here for Snow!" she says, simulating fear. He doesn't move, confused, pointing his gun at her.
"Listen, man, you and I don't really know what's going on, right?" starts safely the girl.
He shakes slowly and positively his head.
"If you just let me pass, I'll let you go alive and safe! None of us will get hurt. Deal?" she asks, stepping forward.
"You think you can hurt me?" he laughs, putting his Glock down. Error.
"Yup!" she exclaims, taking her gun up really fast and shoots, right into his head. He falls and she looks her gun with big eyes.
"I forgot how good I was at this..." thinks the teen, coming closer to the body. "Yikes!" she smiles. One hole in the head, in the middle of the forehead. Emily takes the munitions in the two man's weapons and continues her way in the abandoned supermarket, gun out. This place is smelly and disgusting. Some food was still in there for years now. Just then, Summer sees a teenager. Just like her. He was taller than her (that is not very difficult to beat), he has black hair, little muscles annnd... A Glock 19. He looks very not glad and cool about being here. She stands out and when he notices her, shoots. He shoots right next to her, on the boxes on the ground.
"Dude! What the heck?! That was so close! Can't you see I don't want to fight with you??" she exclaims, looking at him with her green eyes wide open.
"Sorry..." he replies, putting his weapon in his pocket."You must be Emily, right?" the teenage boy asks.
"Yes, that is me. And you are?"
"I'm Elliot," he answers, stepping towards her, a hand up. She takes his hand and shakes. He smiles and looks down at her gun.
"Oh don't worry I won't use it on you," she winks. "Tell me, are you one of these guys working for the drug company?"
"Well...Yes and no," he replies now embarrassed.
"What do you mean?"
"My uncle, Ricko, is the "under" boss of this company and my only family here. So he obliges me to work for him, as the janitor and the announcement guy... So I'm not that much working for them." finishes Elliot, placing his dark hair.
"Oh, I see... And my only family left is in there, probably in big danger. So, would you like to get on the bright side? You won't go to jail nor get hurt." asks friendly Summer.
"It would be great!" he exclaims, sparkles in his brown eyes.
"Awesome. So when  you'll get out of this place, here's what I want you to do..."
Emily was now close to the back store, where Brittany is if Elliot didn't lie about it. She opens slowly the door, hopefully quiet. In a crack, the teen could see four men with Glock 19 again. It was a small resting room and all of them were staying in front of
another door. She puts her gun in the door crack and shoots three of them, all in the head. The last one moved toward the door and opens it. She back up but too late, he grabs her by the neck and puts her in the air. He is tall and has some strength though! She tries to kick him without success. The man throws her down and he kicks her in the stomach. Out of breath and coughing as hell, she pushes herself between his legs and when she faces his back, shoots. Again in the head. He was too slow. Summer takes a moment to recover. Then, stands up and open the other door. In relief, sees Brittany tied up to the chair and still alive. With the sound of the door, the woman turns her head. Two men show up but she kills them as fast as a lightning. Then, she runs to her adoptive mother and takes off her blindfold.
"Hiiiii!" exclaims the teen when she could see her blue eyes.
"Emily! Why did you come!? He will kill you!" replies Brittany in panic while Summer was cutting the attaches.
"Who do you mean by "he"? I put asleep 2 guys, put one in the good side and killed all the others." asks Summer, smiling with confusion.
"My father." she answers with a shaking voice.
"Well well well!" exclaims an old man voice. The teen turns around to see a classy and rich looking man. He has white gloves on."Looks like you actually came, young problem." he finishes with an unkind smile.
"Yes, so let her go." replies the teen, angry.
"I'll have to kill you first and then I'll let her go," he says, taking the teen by the shoulder. Brittany gets up and rushes on him, putting his hand off the girl. After this act, he slaps her in the face, making Emily step forward, gun in the air. The man looks at her not even scared.
"Put that down now."
"Or else what?"
He takes out a Glock 19 out of his back pocket and points it at his daughter. Summer sigh and let her gun fall to the ground. He puts back his gun in his pocket.
"You didn't want to kill me?" asks bravely the teenager girl.
"Yes, but it wouldn't be fun just with a bullet in the head. I need to make it slow and torturing," he smiles. Then, suddenly, he punches her in the face and in the stomach. She falls to her knees, in pain. He kicks her legs, making her fall completely on the ground.
"Stop! Dad, please stop!!!" screams Britt, trying to pull him back but he throws her away. The teenager sight was slightly getting blurring. She coughs and tries to get up but he kicks her again in the stomach. Then, he takes out a knife and kneels down beside her, showing the knife.
"What about I open up your scars?"
Emily remembers her parents. Dead. Because of him. With her last energy, she punches him hard in the face, so he back up, groaning of pain. He comes back and throws the knife in her right leg. Summer screams of pain. Tears in eyes, she shakes because it hurts. Brittany couldn't do anything and couldn't stand it anymore. Suddenly, the redhead woman sees the Glock 19 of Emily on the ground. While he was occupied with the teen, her father can't see her take the gun. Hands trembling, she puts it up, gets a bit closer to him, tries to aim for him and not Summer and... POW! A bullet in the back of his left shoulder. Exactly where she had been shot. He falls to the ground in pain, but still alive. Suddenly, she hears a helicopter and police sirens. Mans in black and protective suits enters with better guns and helmets. On their outfit was written: FBI. Then, Snow runs towards Emily who was suffering so much it was breaking Britt's heart.
"Shh, it's over. Everything is fine." says the ginger woman, taking her in her arms while the FBI was getting Mr.Snow in handcuffs and others were coming to help the girls.

This is the longest chapter I've ever done...So if there is mistakes or things you don't understand please make sure to tell me!

xoxo WolvesPackProduction

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