What happened?

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''Boss I swear it's her!'' exclaims Tyler to a big guys, checking out some package.

''Are you sure?'' he asks again.

''Yes!! Same face, same hair same everything! Even her voice, I would reconize it whenever she talks!'' he replies, getting angry.

''Woah T, calm down man. And you're telling me that your girlfriend took her under her wing?''

''Exactly Ricko.''

''For how long?''

''I don't know...Britt texted me she wants to..Kinda adopt her.''


''That's what I ask and she answers that she wanted my opinion.''

''What did ya say T?'' replies his boss, tagging the packages.

''I didn't answer her..''

''Perfect, so you tell her you don't want so this girl's gonna be out, alone and then we get in action.'' he responds, calm and saying that like if it was an evidence.


The fat guy turn to face him, with a questionning look.

''You're already not payed because you didn't get rid of her, you don't want to loose your money because you want to make your ''sweet and lovely'' girlfriend happy don't you?''

''Surely not Boss. But if I do that, she'll maybe break up with me so I won't have a chance to be close to the girl again.''

''You're not wrong on this T...Wait, you're telling me she's living in the same house as you?''


''Then if it's the case, SHERLOCK, just kill her when Snow isn't there or in the night!!'' the big guy shouts, angry.''Tsk, idiot! Now get out of my view!


''Annd cut! Ladies after 12 remakes and 34 takes, this is finally done!'' annouces Trish to the girls.

All the actress renunites in circle and start chatting together and have fun. ''God I would like to have such of a group of friends...'' thinks Summer, sitting away from all this. On her side, Hailee notices the teen looking at the group yearningly. Without saying anything to the womens talking, Steinfeld walk towards the teenager.

''Hi again, I..hope this time...If we talk everything is gonna be alright.'' says the tall 21 years old woman.

''Hi, I hope too.'' replies the teen.

An akward silent moment pass.

''By the way, I'm Hailee...But I think you already knew that right Emily?'' ask the actress, making the girl speechless.

''Y-you do remember me?!'' exclaims Summer.

''Of course I do, man how could I forget the girl that sang Flashlight while I was passing by?''

''Yeah...Then you turn around, tap my shoulder before I walk away and ask me to sign it to you. I thought I would actually have a heart attack over there!'' laughs Emily.

''You sing very well you know.''

Shily, Summer looks away smiling a bit.

''Thanks but not as much as you I could say.''

''Aw tha--'' starts Steinfeld before she get cut by a blondie looking a little bit tense and angry.

''Hey Hailee would you let me alone with this girl please?'' asks the blond fury with a kindless voice.

''Uh..Okay, yeah sure Anna..'' responds the young actress, going away.


''Rebel, y'know I almost died by trying not to laugh when you said: ''Does your vagina suddenly feel not tight?'' !!!'' exclaims Han Mae.

''I know right!'' agrees Kendrick.

''Well I think I have the right to say that I'm the funniest person here so no surprise!'' replies Wilson, smiling.

Everyone laughs but Snow who suddenly sees Camp with Emily. The blond actress seems to invade Summer's space. ''I know that look of Emily, she doesn't feel comfortable..'' thinks Brittany, frowning.


''Emily is that?'' asks codly the actress in front of the teen, hands on her hips.

''Y-yes, and you are C-camp?'' replies the young girl, shocked by the unkindness of the blondie.

''Anna Camp yeah. What are you doing here?''

''Straight to the point..'' whispers Summer.

''You have no rights to be here and nobody want of you. You know that Brittany is just taking you because you're pitiful.''

''Is that t-true?''

''So you don't trust me uh?''

''Well between someone who have been kind, protective and sweet to me and a blondie I just met and is talking to me coldly and wants me to go, I choose to trust the kind, protective and sweet one, and this one is not you, just to make things clear, in case you don't understand.'' finishes Emily, angry now.

''You better watch your mouth insolent girl, or else--'' starts Anna leaning in dangerously.

''Or else what Camp?'' ask someone who was the one and only; Brittany Snow.

The blond actress faces the ginger, frowning.

''You know she can't be here! I will tell Trish!''

''You think Trish haven't seen her?? She've been sitting close to her all the time we were acting! I've told her about Emily and she was ok with that so before saying false thing about me to Summer, you better get some true informations!'' responds Snow in protective mode. Not knowing what to say, Camp turns around and walks off to the aquariums bathroom.

''That, was intense..'' says Summer.

''Are you alright? I mean, sure you are you roasted her bad, girl!'' she exclaims, smiling.

''Yeah, even myself can't believe what I just said.'' jokes the teen.

The two of them laughs, gets up and goes for the exit, their day done. But before Snow could open the door, Kendrick runs towards them, out of breath.

''Hey you two already leave?'' she tries to say.

''Yeah, why?'' asks Brittany.

''I don't wanna seem impolite by inviting myself  but can I come over tonight? It's been a while since we haven't see each other, I mean just the two of us..''

''Well I don't mind it at all but there will be Emily too! says hapily the redhead woman.

''It's fine by me, I could know more about Snow's family new addition.''

''Let's go then!''

The teen follows them thinking: ''I'm...A part of her family?'' she asks herself, enthusiastic about this idea.

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