Chapter 9

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When Brooke got home, she paused for a moment before getting out of her car. When she was halfway to the front door, Scott pulled into the driveway.

He quickly got out of the car and rushed towards Brooke. She turned away from him and attempted to get to the front door but he stopped her by grabbing ahold of her hand.

"Scott... please." She squeaked out. At that very moment, her voice cracked and she felt like breaking down. Seeing him was just too hard right now after everything she'd just learned half an hour ago.

"Brooke please just listen to me! Give me a chance to explain!" Scott pleaded as he grabbed ahold of both of her hands, gently squeezing them.

Brooke looked up at him, her eyes glistening with tears.

"You've got 5 minutes to tell me everything. Then, I'll decide if I want to believe you or not."

Scott couldn't help but smile because she was giving him another chance. He couldn't bare the chance of living without her and it killed him to know that he may have screwed up their relationship.

Brooke invited Scott into her home and they sat on the couch in the living room while he explained everything to her.

When he was done, an hour had passed. Brooke knew her father would be home soon and she didn't know if she wanted Scott there at the moment considering everything that had occurred today.

"Please tell me that you believe me?"

Brooke knew her answer but somehow, it seemed as though it wasn't the right one. Maybe in time, she'll realize that she made the right decision.

"I believe you."

A huge grin formed on Scott's face and he attempted to hug her but she backed away.

"But! No more lies. No more secrets, ok? That's not how a healthy relationship works and if you want this to work, you have to be honest with me like I am to you."

Scott nodded his head and agreed to Brooke's terms before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. It had been a while since he had felt her lips and he missed it.

When they pulled away, Scott embraced Brooke although he didn't want to let her go. He half expected her to run to her room and lock the door. She seemed so upset by the fact that he was working with a drug dealer and he understood why but he didn't know why she was so upset about it.


New Years Eve

Scott and Brooke were at a New Years Eve party that a couple of her father's friends had put together. At most, there was maybe a hundred people there, alot of which were also on the police force.

Although Scott was a bit nervous about being surrounded by cops, with Brooke by his side, he felt stress free.

Everyone was standing together as there was one minute left of 2017. Brooke gazed up at Scott who was watching the tv intently before he noticed her staring at him.

He looked down and smiled at her. God he was so in love with her and everyone around them knew it. Even Natasha.

Natasha was on the other side of brooke, also staring at the tv as the countdown began.


"Happy New Year!"

As everyone shouted, applauded and rejoiced around them, Scott took the initiative to lean down and press his lips to Brooke's.

For an entire moment, everything around them stopped. All they knew was that they were together and happy.

When they pulled away, Scott sighed.

"Happy New Year, Brooke."

"Happy New Year." Brooke replied before wrapping an arm around Scott's waist, holding him close.

Brooke looked around for Natasha but she was too busy talking to some guy.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Scott stated as he walked away towards the table with an assortment of drinks.

Brooke, feeling overwhelmed, decided to step outside into the cool winter air for a moment.

She sat down in a chair and burried her face in her hands. Her life was completely messed up. She was literally at a party with over a dozen cops with her drug dealing boyfriend. That thought made her wonder how she got here in the first place.

The day she decided to go to the lake. The day she decided to hitch a ride home with Scott instead of her best friend.

"Something on your mind?" A masculine voice asked from somewhere in the darkness.

Brooke looked around but couldn't see anyone. She put her hand on the holster on the side of her hip, ready to pull out her pistol if necessary.

"Don't shoot." The voice commanded. Then suddenly, James came out of the shadows.

Brooke sighed and sat back down.

"Why aren't you inside? Isn't that your crowd in there?" He asked. He was dressed in a suit and a long black trench coat.

A smirk formed on Brooke's face before she stood up.

"You're right. That is my crowd. But not yours. So why are you here at all?" Brooke snapped. James held up his hands and chuckled.

"Attitude. I can see why Scott likes you."

Brooke scowled at him.

"You don't know a thing about him." She hissed. James took a few steps forward.

"On the contrary, it is you who knows nothing about him. I'm willing to bet that he'd choose this life over one with you, any day."

That sentence shattered Brooke's heart. Would he really do that? Leave her to live the life of a criminal?

James stared at Scott through the doorway as he chatted with a few people while holding two cups.

Brooke also watched as he laughed at something he said.

"See. Deep down, you know I'm right." James remarked. Brooke turned her head and looked at him with uncertainty.

Tear began stinging at Brooke's eyes as she knew that her and Scott might not last forever.

"It was nice talking to you Brooke." James spoke with a smile before walking back into the shadows of the night.

Brooke walked back inside, a wave of heat hitting her. She sniffles and walked into the kitchen where Natasha was eating a plate of chips.

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing the look of upset on Brooke's face.

Brooke shook her head and carefully wiped her eyes as to not ruin her makeup.

"You were right."

Natasha looked at her in confusion.

"Right about what?"

Brooke stared at Scott from the kitchen as he conversed with some of her father's friends, genuinely trying to see interested but instead looking sort of miserable.

"About Scott. You were right about him all along."

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