Chapter 20

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James and Brooke were already on a flight back home. She explained to him how Scott didn't want her there and how he couldn't leave.

Although, she didn't tell him about their kiss. That was more private and it was their own way of saying goodbye.

When they arrived back at the airport, Brooke prayed that her father wasn't there but unfortunately, she couldn't get that lucky.

There he was, in his uniform with two other officers. As soon as they saw James, they stormed right after him.

Before they could lay a hand on him, Brooke put herself in front of him, blocking him from the officers.

"I left on my own free will. James accompanied me and that was it. He did NOT kidnap me nor did he force me to leave the country!" Brooke snapped. The officers believed her and backed off, giving her and her father a moment to talk.

"You become an adult and the first thing you do is run away? I thought you were smarter than that, Brooke!" He scolded. Brooke did feel bad for leaving him with just a number but she knew he'd never let her go after Scott.

"I know and I'm sorry. Can we just not talk about it, please?" She pleaded in a quiet voice. Her father stared at her in confusion. He knew something happened wherever she went and it seemed to be affecting her.


Brooke and James both walked outside where they parted ways. James said that he would meet up with Brooke tomorrow morning for breakfast to talk about the events that went on.

The entire car ride home, Brooke felt empty. No emotions. No liveliness. Nothing.

When Brooke's father pulled into the driveway, Brooke got out of the car and hurried into the house, heading straight up to her room but before she could make it up the stairs, her father stopped her.

"Get down here. Now." He commanded in a serious tone. Brooke dragged herself downstairs and waited for him to speak.

"Tell me what happened."

Brooke really didn't want to but suddenly, she felt all of her emotions coming out at once.

"He doesn't love me." Brooke cried out as tears traveled down her face.

"Me and James went to Europe where he was staying and he was with another woman! He told me that he'd never come back and that I need to forget about him! He was a completely different person!" Brooke sobbed. She left out a few details including the fact that Scott was actually in Russia but Europe was more vague and that was the best way to explain everything to her father without telling him too much.

Brooke's father pulled her into a hug as Brooke began sobbing even more. For the first time since her and James left the hotel in Russia, Brooke let all of her emotions out. It was a relief because she felt like she was gonna go crazy if she didn't tell somebody.

"I'm so sorry." Was all her father could say. He didn't know what to say to make Brooke feel better because she seemed pretty upset.

When Brooke pulled away, she smiled at her father before heading up to her room. She laid in bed for quite a while before she realized she was about to relapse.

Brooke told herself over and over that she was not about to let Scott's words make her fall into a sort of depression.

Things would get better. Brooke would move on and be happy without him. Life would continue to move on as if he didn't even exist.


Two months later, Brooke was about to start college. Turns out, she applied to Harvard and got in. She knew it was way out of her price range but her father was so proud of her and Brooke actually felt that law was her calling in life.

James had also offered to help pay for some of her fees since being a drug dealer was a very good paying job. Brooke turned down the offer but every month, James had ordered his bank to take out a thousand dollars and pay Brooke's tuition fee.

Things between James and Brooke had gotten better. They've also gotten closer and before long, they were in a relationship. One kiss led to another and soon, they were kissing in public.

James was a nice break from Scott. He was very different but nonetheless, he was still a great guy. He was wholesome and honest and he promised to take care of Brooke, whether or not they were together.

Life was good. Brooke was happy and even Natasha noticed it. Of course, she approved of her relationship with James and wished them the best.

August 29th

"Ok well I'm all packed and ready to go." Brooke stated as she glanced around her bedroom. He father stood in the doorway as his daughter was fifteen minutes away from leaving him.

"I promise I'll visit on school breaks!" Brooke confirmed as her father embraced her in a hug.

Brooke walked downstairs where she saw James standing in the living room. He looked gorgeous in a white Tommy Hilfiger shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans.

"You'll visit me too, right?" James asked with a smirk. Brooke walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips before smiling at him.

"Of course."

Brooke's father slapped his hands together once before he explained that Brooke's plane was leaving in half an hour.

Everyone piled into James' car and drove to the airport where Brooke carried her luggage into the building.

After buying a plane ticket, Brooke said her goodbyes to her father and James.

"I'll try not to have too much fun without you." Brooke teased. James chuckled before embracing her one more time.

"I'm gonna miss having your smart ass around here." James murmured as he rested his chin on top of her head. Brooke's laughter sent vibrations through his body and he couldn't help but smile.

When Brooke pulled away, she glanced at James and her father.

"I've gotta go before I miss my flight. I love you guys." Brooke asserted before slowly turning around and walking towards the security check area. After getting screened and all of her luggage was safe, Brooke glanced back at her father and James.

Brooke gave them one last wave before walking up a set of stairs and down a hallway that eventually led onto the plane.

For almost 15 minutes, Brooke sat on the plane, staring out the window. She couldn't help but think of everything that she was leaving behind.


Natasha, even though she'd already left for Paris a couple weeks ago.

Her father.


Scott. Brooke hadn't thought of him for a while but now that she was leaving, she couldn't help but remember all the times they'd spent together. From the time they met at the lake to the field. Oh the field. All the memories that it had. Some were good and some were bad but she still missed it.

Deep down, Brooke still missed Scott. She always wondered what life would be like with him and how they would make their relationship work while she was at college but it seems as though that didn't work out.

Instead, Brooke had the summer of her life with his former best friend. James was something else. He was thrilling. He always surprised Brooke in the most amazing way and whenever she was with him, she felt free. Alive. Happy, even.

As Brooke stared out the window, she felt anxious as she thought about college and life after that. Honestly, she couldn't wait to start a life with James. It would be a good life and Brooke would be happy.

Brooke would be happy with James.

Not Scott.

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