Chapter 12

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Brooke stood there, looking at the horizon where Scott's car had disappeared into. Then she collapsed.

She curled up into a ball and cried. Sobbing to herself, she prayed that this wasn't real.

It wasn't long before she fell asleep, her excessive crying making her mentally and physically exhausted.


A while later, Brooke woke up in the back on an ambulance. She glanced around and saw a couple of paramedics. And her father.

"Brooke, honey! What happened? Why were you out there all alone?" Her father asked hastily.

Brooke only stared up at the bright lights above her as she drowned out everyone's talking.

"He's gone."

Her father looked at her with confusion plastered on his face.


"Scott. He's gone. He left me." Brooke stated in a monotone voice.

At that moment, her entire world came crashing down. Her body felt numb and her heart ached. All she could hear were the exact words that Scott had said to her.

The paramedics took her to the hospital as they still didn't know if there was anything wrong with her. All they knew was that a couple found her lying on the side of the road, unconscious.

Brooke never paid any mind to the paramedics asking her questions. All she felt was pain. Her heart felt like someone kept stabbing it over and over again.


After the doctors felt that Brooke was ok, they sent her home with her father. When they got home, Brooke dragged herself upstairs where she laid in bed for the rest of the day.

For weeks on end, Brooke stayed like that. Occasionally getting up to go to the bathroom or to eat but other than that, she was bed ridden.

Natasha would call frequently but Brooke never answered. A few times, she came over but all she would see is Brooke in bed, emotionless, pale and sometimes asleep.

Brooke had been missing school alot but Natasha would bring her any homework they had, just in case Brooke decided to do some of it. But rarely did she ever do that.

Everything hurt. Brooke couldn't do anything without being reminded of Scott and when that happened, her heart broke even more. At times, death seemed like a better option but everything she would consider it, she would remember her father's expression every time he'd visit her in her room. She wouldn't abandon him like Scott had so cruelly done to her.

She would never be like him.


After 3 weeks of staying bed, Brooke finally had the willpower to get out of bed. She jumped in the shower, washing her hair and body thoroughly. When she got out, she blow dried her hair, leaving it naturally wavy.

She then got dressed in a white t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. She put on a pair of Sperry's and a gold watch.

Brooke walked downstairs and it was almost noon so she figured she could atleast show up for the second half of school. Grabbing her bag and keys, she headed out the front door. She half expected Scott's blue Mustang to be there but it wasn't.

Brooke got in her car and slowly backed out of the druveway, driving to school.

When she showed up, several kids were leaving to go wherever for lunch.

Brooke got out of the car reluctantly and walked inside the building. She checked in at the office before walking back outside to a few lunch tables. She spotted Natasha sitting with a few other girls that Brooke was also friendly with.

When Natasha saw her, her face lit up and she rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her.

"I missed you! I'm so glad you're back!" Natasha exclaimed. Brooke hugged her back and when they both pulled away, Natasha had a look of concern on her face.

"How are you? Really?"

Brooke sighed. She wasn't fine but Natasha didn't need to know that so instead, Brooke gave her a fake reassuring smile.

"I'm good. I'm getting better slowly but surely."

Natasha nodded her head.

"Good. That's really good. Are you still going to prom?"


Brooke forgot entirely about it but now that Natasha mentioned it, she wasn't sure if she was still gonna go. She planned on going with Scott but now that he's gone, she didn't really see a point in going anymore.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that. I know you were planning on going with-"

Brooke cut her off before she could say his name.

"It's fine. I'm still going. It's my last prom so I might as well make it worth while."

Natasha gave her a heart felt smile before bringing her to the lunch table.

Whenever she could, Natasha tried to keep Brooke's mind off of anything that could remind her of Scott. She knew how hard she was hurting and didn't want to trigger any old feelings.

Brooke knew what her friend was doing and she admired it but she also wished she'd stop. She would never stop thinking about Scott nor would she ever forget him. She loved him. Always.


Later that day, Brooke was sitting on a bench outside of the local cafe. She was sipping on an iced latte while flipping through a magazine. It wasn't interesting in the least but it was still something would preoccupy her mind.

"Anything worth reading in there?"

It took Brooke a moment to listen to the voice and realize it was a familiar one. She looked up and her eyes wandered around until they met a familiar pair.

Brooke stood up, not truly believing the sight before her eyes.

"James." She almost whispered.

He smirked at her before Brooke set down her cup of coffee, dropping the magazine on the bench and ran up to him, hugging him.

He tensed up at her friendly gesture but eventually wrapped his arms around her too.

Tears started to form in Brooke's eyes but she blinked them away. She pulled away and stared at him.

"Good to see you too. I didn't know we were on the friend level. I thought you hated me?" He teased with a laugh. Brooke embraced him once more before pulling away again.

"I don't hate you. I disliked you at first but now you're tolerable." Brooke teased back. She was thrilled to see him here. Partly because it meant that Scott was around too.

"Is-is he here too?" Brooke stuttered out. James furrowed his brows before finally catching on to what Brooke was talking about.

James glanced around at the people on the streets before grabbing her arm and gently pulling her along.

"Let's talk somewhere more private." He advised as he pulled her along towards his vehicle.

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