Chapter 10

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Natasha put her plate on the counter and stood in front of Brooke to block her view of Scott.

"What makes you so sure of that?"

"Because I've seen it. I can't tell you what it is but there is something wrong with him and the worst part is that I think he might just choose it over our relationship." Brooke confesses as she struggled to keep it together.

"No. Now that where you're wrong." Natasha admitted.

"I've seen the way he looks at you! The way you look at him and I've never seen that before. It's like, without him, you don't have this... glow emitting from you. He's changed you, Brooke. And it's a good thing."

Brooke sighed.

"If only you knew where I was coming from. This thing isn't a good thing. He knows I don't like it but he can't get out of it. Ugh! I don't know how to explain it without telling you!" Brooke complained. She wanted so badly to tell Natasha but she couldn't. Like James' said, it could be bad for everyone if she tells people.

"It's fine. Just... work with him, ok? I'd hate to see you depressed because the relationship didn't work out. Even if I don't necessarily approve of him." Natasha added with a smile.

Brooke smiled at her friend before walking towards Scott. He looked down at her with a smile.

"Hey! I was wondering where you went."

"Just needed some fresh air, that's all." Brooke admitted. She wasn't going to tell him about her encounter with James because she knew he'd want to know what he said to her and she didn't want to tell him that either.


Around 1 a.m. in the morning, Scott drove Brooke home. Brooke's father was also with them but in his own car in front of them.

When they arrived at Brooke's house, Scott carried her inside as she was fast asleep. He laid her in bed before kissing her goodnight and leaving.

The last few weeks with her had been a wake up call for him. She was so in love with him and she was so dependant on his love that it would be hard if he left.

They had their first Halloween Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years together. Scott hoped it would be the first of many more to come but he couldn't see it in his future.

The whole drug dealing thing was out of hand and he was already locked in for a year. He'd told Brooke that it was a few months because he didn't want her to be more upset than she already was but now he was roped in for good.

Honestly, he didn't know how he was going to break it to her but he also thought about keeping it a secret. Either way, he didn't know what to do and his relationship with Brooke was in serious trouble.


A few months passed and there were exactly 2 months left until Brooke graduated high school. Her and Scott had been bonding more and soon, he would be out of his contract with James. Brooke felt like her life was finally beginning to feel complete. She had everything she could ever want and she was happy. Truly happy.

Brooke was sitting on her bed finishing up some homework when her phone began to ring.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Do you wanna go get something to eat? I miss you." Scott said from the other end of the phone. Brooke smiled and agreed before hanging up. She was dressed in a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a silver sequin t-shirt with a pair if silver metallic sandals.

Brooke grabbed her crossbody bag and her cellphone and walked out the door. She got in her car and ignited the engine before backing out and heading to a local restaurant.

When Brooke got there, she parked her car next to Scott's and headed inside. She saw him sitting at a booth alone so she walked up to him.

"Hey." She greeted before sitting opposite of him.

A genuine smile appeared on his face.

"I've missed that face." He admitted as he grabbed her hand and fiddled with it. She giggled at his comment before they both ordered something to eat.

"So why did you want to eat dinner with me again?" Brooke asked after fully looking through the menu. Scott shrugged his shoulders before messing with a packet of sugar.

"I just missed you. Alot. I know I just saw you yesterday and all but it felt like eternity for me." Scott confessed as he stared directly into Brooke's eyes.

Scott leaned across the table and pressed his lips to Brooke's, groaning when he pulled away.

"Hi! Can I take your order please?" A short blonde waitress asked.

"Um can I have a steak burger with fries, ranch on the side and a glass of Coke please?" Brooke asked as the woman quickly scribbled down her order. She looked at Scott, waiting for him to speak.

"I'll have the same." He stated before turning back to Brooke.

The waitress walked away and within 10 minutes, she was back with their food and drinks on a plate. Both Scott and Brooke thanked her before she disappeared again.


After dinner, Brooke and Scott parted ways but not before sharing a passionate kiss.

When Brooke came home, her father had already ate and was asleep on the couch. She quietly walked upstairs to her room and shut the door. She undressed and changed into a t-shirt and running shorts before turning off the light and climbing into bed.

For a while she stared at the ceiling thinking about her and Scott's relationship and what they would do after she graduated high school. She had a million thoughts of him running through her head before she eventually fell asleep.

At some point in the night, Scott climbed into her window, quietly unlatching the handle on her window. She foolishly forgot to lock her window which made it easier for him to get in and out quickly and efficiently.

When he entered her bedroom, he saw her laying in bed, peacefully sleeping. One arm was tucked underneath her pillow while the other rested by her side.

Her steady breathing was calming as Scott quietly watched her. He reached out and gently pushed a strand of hair away from her face so as not to block his view.

"So beautiful." He whispered softly before crouching down so he was at eye level. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers ever so carefully so he didn't wake her.

After a few more moments, he climbed back out the window, locking it himself this time, before running down the street to where he parked his car.

He sat inside of it for a while before he actually started it up and left.

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