Chapter 19

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Upon hearing her voice, Scott turned around, his eyes wide in shock.

"Brooke." He murmured in awe.

Tanya eyed Brooke with a disgusted look.

"And you are?" She asked in a thick Russian accent. She crossed her arms and scowled st Brooke.

Brooke smirked at her.

"I'm his girlfriend. Ohhh, he didn't tell you? Huh."

Tanya stared at Scott in confusion and anger. Scott did not mention anything to her about having a girlfriend but technically, he didn't.

"But whatever. That's fine because we broke up. I'm with James now. He's much more dependable and the best part? He's not a total dick!" Brooke snapped. Scott still couldn't believe that she was here. And with James nonetheless.

Brooke walked past Tanya and Scott to stand by James' side.

"What the hell are you doing here, Brooke?" Scott asked in a harsh tone.

James stepped forward and glanced around at the people near them.

"Perhaps we should take this to a more private venue?"

Scott and Tanya complied as they both lead the way towards a room at the back of the wall.

James quietly pulled out a gun and handed it to Brooke. She kept it behind her back as James pulled out another one.

When Scott and Tanya stopped, they turned around and pulled a gun from the holsters behind them, aiming them at Brooke and James who were also currently aiming guns at them too.

"You think we'd come here without some type of defense?" Brooke asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Silly American girl. This is Russia. Do you think we wouldn't bring backup to an event like this?" Tanya asked as she raised her brows at Brooke and James.

Suddenly, two guys appeared behind Brooke and James.

James whipped around and aimed his gun at them while Brooke kept her eyes on Scott and Tanya.

"I didn't come here to play around. I came here to talk. Alone." Brooke acknowledged.

"Then talk." Tanya commanded. Brooke glanced over at Scott before cocking her gun. Behind her, James also cocked his.

"I came to bring you back home. It's been hell without you, Scott. Do you know what you put me through?" Brooke shouted, clearly upset.

"Ha! Like he'd want to take you back! I've already won his heart!" Tanya sneered. Brooke then aimed the gun at Tanya directly.

"Don't push me, bitch. I won't hesitate to blow your god damn brains out!" Brooke snapped at her. Tanya gave her a wicked smile but stayed quiet.

"I left for a reason, Brooke. I wanted to keep you safe! I didn't want to live a life with you where I couldn't make you happy!" Scott explained. Brooke almost lowered her gun but even she knew that that would be foolish.

"Well look how that turned out! You know, besides Natasha and my father, James is the only one who quite understood what I was going through because you also left him! He's been helping me cope and we've actually become pretty good friends so if that's what you were trying to prevent from happening, good job because you fucking failed!" Brooke spat.

Brooke knew that Scott wanted Brooke to keep her distance from James but when he left her, there was nothing he could really do about it. In a way, he helped it occur.

"I was only thinking about your best intetests! I know I hurt you! It hurt me too!" Scott shouted back. Brooke rolled her eyes at his pathetic lies.

"My father thought I was dead when you left me stranded on the side of the road! I didn't go to school for weeks! I barely ate anything! And it was all because of you! You made me feel like dying would be easier because atleast I wouldn't feel anything anymore. Atleast the pain would've been gone!"

Scott stared at Brooke in regret. He knew he messed up but he couldn't take it back. At the time, it seemed like a reasonable thing to do. It would've kept her safe but it seems as though she got herself into more trouble with him gone than if he'd stayed.

Scott motioned for Brooke to come forward but she never lowered her gun. Tanya looked at Scott like a crazy person while occasionally glaring at Brooke.

"We are going to go talk in a more private venue. We'll be back in a few." Scott stated in a serious voice.

At this moment, Brooke had her gun lowered, that is until Tanya spoke up.

"You're gonna take yourself to a secluded area with that bitch so she can shoot you?" Tanya asked skeptically. Immediately after she said that, Brooke raised her gun and it was now a few inches from Tanya's forhead.

"Like I said before, shut the fuck up!" Brooke shouted. Scott gently pulled her along and that was when she lowered her gun.

When they stopped walking, it was in another hallway. It was dimly lit but Brooke could still see the agony written all over Scott's face.

"You need to leave. You need to get the hell out of this country before someone finds out that you're here to bring me back. If they do, they'll kill you. No second thoughts."

Brooke gazed up at Scott in frustration and anger.

"I'm not leaving without you! I came here for one thing and that was you, Scott! You!" Brooke cried out. Scott cupped her face in his hands and stared down at her.

"I'm so sorry for what I put you through. I regret ever leaving you but now, you have to leave me."

Brooke shook her head as tears began to form.

"I'm not leaving here without you!" She cried out once more, her voice cracking in the process.

Scott was getting more irritated every moment and Brooke could tell.

"I'm not asking you a question. I'm telling you, Brooke! Listen to me for once! This is for your own good!" Scott growled.

Brooke stared at him in awe. He really wanted her to leave him after she never gave up on them seeing each other again. After she travelled half way around the world to reunite with him, he tells her to leave?

"If I leave, you have to promise me something." Brooke commanded.


Brooke gazed up at him with tear stricken eyes.

"Come back home."

Scott knew that would be her answer because he knew that she desperately wanted him back in the states. But it wasn't going to happen. He couldn't leave. Not now. Not ever.

Brooke assumed that by Scott not saying anything that he wasn't ok with that promise but he'd already made it. He would have to come back at some time.

Brooke craned her neck up so that her lips were within inches of Scott's. When they finally met, Scott couldn't resist. The kiss was rough and demanding. It made up for all the lost time that he hadn't kissed her.

Brooke pulled away then pressed her lips to his in one final farewell kiss.

"Goodbye, Scott."

And with that, Brooke left, leaving Scott only that kiss to remember her by.

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