Charlotte had taken me around the main places of the college and had introduced me to a few of the teachers and students who were mostly very polite. Charlotte had told me that she had family in Moonacre but wouldn't tell me who and that she too was an orphan and was sent to practically live at the college until she found a husband and left for her own life. Charlotte was the same age as me and had grown up in London after her Uncle had decided to leave her with various families and women who had only sent her away. She had read about me in papers after my 'Heroic jump to save a fallen valley' as the papers had put it and had wanted to meet me ever since because of her link to Moonacre and she was so grateful for what I did.
After our chat, Charlotte hurried off to our room and had left me sat outside the head of the college's study room, where I was waiting upon being called in.
I didn't have to wait long until the door was opened and a rather tall man with dark hair and hazel eyes stepped out.
"Good evening. I gather you are Miss Merryweather?" He said as he put his hand out for me to shake.
"Yes Sir" I said politely shaking his firm hand.
"Splendid, please, do come in" He said welcoming me into his study. It had tall bookshelves filled with hundreds upon hundreds of old books neatly placed. There was a fireplace just behind his desk where two chairs were with a drinks cabinet beside them.
I sat down on one of the chairs opposite his desk when I noticed a figure move in the corner. As it moved out of the light it was a boy with blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes who looked a little taller than me. He was stood up very straight and smiled as I caught eye contact. I immediately looked away and blushed.
The headmaster sat in his chair and leaned back. "I am Mr Dewlane who shall be keeping an eye on your progress here at Westend College. I assume you know why you are here?"
"I do not know much Sir. Only that I was asked to come" I replied.
"I see" Mr Dewlane stood up and went to examine a painting above the fireplace "The reason you were asked to come to this college, Miss Merryweather, is because firstly, your circumstances in the valley of Moonacre weren't the best and your Uncle thought it would be best to send you here..."
Uncle thought it would be best? To take me away from my home? You know, I thought I might stay at that college for ever now.
The head master carried on "... Secondly, we had heard wonderful things about how well you can do in education and we think you will be a promising young talent for this country"
"Thank you Sir. I hope that I will do well here" I agreed.
"I have hope for you Miss Merryweather. Now, I have someone here that shall be taking the same classes as you and will help you to settle in here" He pointed to the boy in the corner who stepped out to the desk. "This is Jessie"
I smiled at him and he bowed his head.
"He shall also be taking arts, music and languages and shall help you in your classes if you need it, which I highly doubt you will"
"Thank you Sir. It shall be nice to know somebody in my classes"
"Indeed it shall. You may go have supper from the dining hall now if you wish, before the final bell rings. Good evening Miss Merryweather" Mr Dewlane said as he wondered over to the door. I stood up, wished the head good night and left the room closely followed by Jessie.
"Would you like me to take you to the dining hall Maria?" Jessie said behind me.
I gracefully turned around and smiled "If you wouldn't mind of course?" Even though I knew exactly where the dining hall was it was nice to have some company in this strange place.

The Secret of Moonacre - SECRECY
FanfictionAfter the ending of Maria and Moonacre, Maria sets out to do everything she can to make the valley once again a happy thriving place and to fix up her relationship with Robin. But when a new visitor comes to make war in Moonacre can Maria keep every...