Robin's P.O.V
My palms were sweating. My head felt a little dizzy. My stomach felt like whatever was fluttering about inside was about to make a break for it.
What was happening to me?
I kept my promise to Maria and kept facing towards the vicar until she was stood by my side.
It felt like I was stood there for hours. It didn't help when our guests started to murmur behind me when Maria hadn't made her appearance yet.
Where was she? Had she had second thoughts? Did she regret wanting to marry me? Was there somebody else she loved? Don't be ridiculous Robin. There was no one else she could possibly love? I discarded that thought quickly.
"Miss Maria's almost ready" Digweed whispered to the vicar, loud enough for me to hear. That was definitely a relief to hear that she hadn't had second thoughts. Although it didn't stop my body from being so tense. It was a wedding day, I was meant to be excited. It all looked perfect and it would all stay perfect, or at least I hoped. Loveday and I had spent the majority of the morning setting up our venue out in the orchard. We'd set out all the white garden chairs equally down either side of our carpet of blossom petals with candles at the end of each row. I knew she would love it like that.
Then the excitement did take over when I head the guests go silent. Our band in the corner started to play and chairs were being shuffled. I heard a few gasps and murmurs of "She looks so beautiful" and "She has made the world stop and look" which made my heart flutter even more and my pride soar.
I noticed little Anna slide off to the left of me followed by Charlotte and Loveday. There was a pause and then I felt a much warmer presence by my side. I turned to look and there was the most beautiful girl stood before an alter next to me, a scruffy looking ex-ruffian. I wanted to say something, comment and say how stunning she looked - but my mouth was open and no words came out. There were no words to describe her.
"You scrubbed up well" Maria smiled.
My heart just melted completely seeing her smile. "I - I - you look so nice".
So nice. So nice.
Robin, get your act together.
"Thank you" she giggled.
"Not nice" I panicked. "I mean you look nice but more than nice, beautiful".
The priest cleared his throat and Maria giggled. "Please, go on" she said.
I had managed to make a complete fool of myself in the first two minutes. I felt her hand intertwine with mine and then I felt less ridiculous.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Robin De Noir and Maria Merryweather. Today we are making history, the marriage of a Moon Princess and a De Noir was unforeseen centuries ago and today, the two families are being brought together again" the vicar announced. He looked at us both and glanced at Maria and nodded to her, "If you could say aloud your vows please".
She nodded and we turned to face each other. A little giggle escaped her mouth, she didn't need to rehearse her vows; neither did I, I hadn't even planned on what I was promising to her.
"Robin De Noir, today my life officially becomes yours. I take you to be my friend, my partner and my true and only love. I promise to aid you when you're sick, to comfort you when you're sad and to love you for eternity. I'll be at your beck and call for however long you want me and however long you need me. I promise to give you all my attention and all my love and care for forever and ever". Her face glowed and cheeks turned a rosy pink as she finished her vows.

The Secret of Moonacre - SECRECY
FanfictionAfter the ending of Maria and Moonacre, Maria sets out to do everything she can to make the valley once again a happy thriving place and to fix up her relationship with Robin. But when a new visitor comes to make war in Moonacre can Maria keep every...