It was late morning when I woke up. The sun was shining through the window and the birds were gently tweeting. The lump of sheets on the floor still wasn't awake to I took the oppertunity to change and leave without him knowing. It was awkward staying in the same room as him after all we'd been through. As much as I wanted to talk it out, there would only be more lies thrown into my face. Once I was changed, I sorted my hair and slipped my boots on and left the room, quietly shutting the door behind me without so much as a twitch from Robin.
As I walked down the stairs, I noticed Uncle standing with an unfamiliar man, stood in navy blue uniform and a service hat with a badge on the front. My heart started to race at the sight of Uncle frowning and Loveday in his arms weeping.
"Morning" I greeted them, slowly walking over.
"Miss Merryweather" The officer nodded to me, removing his hat then placing it back on. "I'm inspector Fumblebee. I'm investigating the burgalry of Mrs Merryweather's jewels. Do you know of anyone that is in need or would take them?" He asked me.
His moustache and tall appearance was intimidating at first but he had a kind voice which made me relax "I'm afraid I can't help you there. I know no one who would do such a thing" I replied.
"Sir Merryweather here told me that Master Robin may have taken them. Do you think he would do such a thing?" the Inspector questionned.
I sighed "No I don't believe he would. He has changed since a few years ago and has a kinder heart now. He would have no reason to, Loveday is his distant sister one way or another" I admitted. It pained me to say those words because once upon a time, I actually believed them, but I wanted to save Robin from this mess, not make it bigger.
"I see. Very well. That's all I had to ask, thank you" The Inspector scratched his moustache and I gave Loveday a symathetic smile and touched her arm as I walked towards the kitchen for some food.
Marmaduke wasn't insight so I waltzed over to the fruit bowl and picked up a rosy apple. I was about to walk out the back door when there was a yelp from the corner of the room. I turned around and I was greeted with two chocolate brown eyes and a bouncy wagging tail. "Wiggins!" I cried, kneeling down to the excited pup. "I neglected you and I am so sorry and I shall never do it again. But you must stay here for now, until things are sorted, then we can live together" I promised. Wrolf plodded in and gave my little pup a nasty side ways glance. "Don't be so rude Wrolf" I scolded the huge dog. I stood up and took a bite of my apple and headed out the back door. I heard little paw prints behind me and sighed for they weren't Wrolf's. I almost made it to the edge of the forest when my name was called and I turned around.
"Maria! Hold up" They called. Robin jogged over to me and I stared at him, and Wrolf let out low growl. "Why did you stick up for me last night and this morning?" He panted.
I found it slightly strange that he was listening to my conversations but he deserved the answer, "I don't think it's rational for you to be blamed or questionned about something you couldn't put yourself to commit. I don't think it's fair for anyone, whether we get a long anymore or not." I answered.
"Oh, thank you. I wasn't stalking you or anything..." He laughed slightly and it pained him. I kept my face straight. "I'm sorry. I'll go back in now" He started to head back inside when he turned around again and said quietly, "Oh, and a word of warning, everything that..." He was cut off by somebody else calling my name.
"Good morning Maria!" John called, emerging from the bushes wearing a grey jumper and long black trousers.
"Morning John" I greeted. I turned back towards Robin who was scowling at John, "What were you going to say Robin?"

The Secret of Moonacre - SECRECY
FanfictionAfter the ending of Maria and Moonacre, Maria sets out to do everything she can to make the valley once again a happy thriving place and to fix up her relationship with Robin. But when a new visitor comes to make war in Moonacre can Maria keep every...