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"bye chloe see ya"
"where r u going"
"I have that thing remember.."
"what thing" she asks suspiciously
"im just going to that place it's gonna be quick I gotta go or else i'm gonna be late" I say as I grabbed my keys and left the apartment
"uhh ok"
I started walking to my car and texted ethan.

I just left my place should
we meet there or do u
want me to pick you up

I should pick you up

u don't have to I can drive

i'm already on the way

ugh fine c u

"hey" I said opening the car door
"hey. are u ready"
"yea" I said taking a deep breath
"ok let's go"

We arrived at the medical center nearby our apartments and went up the elevator. We arrived on the fourth floor, 'OBGYN'

"Hi I have an appointment for 6:00"
"Hi please sign in there and we will call your name when we're ready for you"
"thank you"
I filled out the sign in sheet and sat down in the waiting area with ethan.
"are you nervous" he asked
"no i'm okay"
"are you sure? ur fidgeting"
"oh.. I guess I am" i said awkwardly
"alex you can be real around me. we've been friends since we were like in middle school" he said, putting his hand on my thigh.
"ethan.. u know we're not dating" I said moving my leg from his hand.
we just waited awkwardly in silence until my name was called.

"Hi i'm Dr Zimmerman"
"Hi i'm Alex. This is Ethan"
"nice to meet you both. Today i'm just going to do a quick ultrasound it shouldn't take long. Usually I don't do ultrasounds until the baby is more developed but it's good that you came after..."
"um five weeks"
"yes after five weeks so that I can see if everything looks normal for now"
"okay" I say nervously rubbing my small bump.
"alrighty so change into the gown. you can leave your pants on just remove your top portion. I will be outside the room" she says leaving and closing the door.
"um.. ethan can you close your eyes" I ask
"oh um yea" he says as he covers his eyes with his hand.
I take off my top gently and slowly being cautious of my belly.
Ethan slowly opens his eyes while i'm taking off my bra.
After I take it off I grab the gown. As i'm about to put it on, I meet with ethan's eyes.
"ethan! what the hell I said not to look" I say as I quickly turn around from him.
"turn back around. you're so gorgeous" he says standing up walking to me
"ethan close your eyes"
I feel his warm hands attach to my sides causing my breath to hitch
"e-ethan.. I need to put on the gown"
"turn around for me"
I slowly turn around. Our eyes met and I instantly became insecure, covering my breasts with my arms.
"don't cover yourself up. you are so stunning. you and our little baby" he says smiling.
I grab the gown and put it on. I try tying the back ties but my hands can't reach.
"Here. let me" ethan says as he grabs the two strings and ties them.
"thanks.. Ethan, you know we aren't dating. I can't show you my tits like that again"
"let me take you on a date. we're both single, and I am that baby's father" he says pointing at my belly.
"ethan we don't even like each other like that. we're best friends. we always have been."
"alexandra you might not feel the same yet but I like you. let me show you by taking you on a date"
"what if we do date and then we break up. what about our baby" I say holding my tummy.
"no matter what happens between us, our child will always be my top priority." he says putting his hands on my belly
"yes" I say with a smirk on my face
"you will fall in love with me" he says winking at me.

*knock knock*
"are you ready?" dr zimmerman asks
She comes in and I lay on the bed.
"are you nervous?" she asks
"a little" I say as I grab ethan's hand and latch it to mine.
"there's no need to be. you are going to feel a cold jelly like substance" she says as she puts gloves on and then the gel on my belly.
She grabs the ultrasound probe and goes around my belly.
"Since it is early, we won't be able to see any body parts yet. But you will be able to see the very very tiny baby."
She continues to move the probe around my belly until she stops around the left side of my stomach.
"there it is" she says.
"i'm sorry dr zimmerman, but what am I supposed to be looking at?"
"that little tiny white speck" she says chuckling while pointing to a dot on the screen
"ohhh" ethan and I say simultaneously.
"from what I can tell, it seems to be growing at a good rate. Right now, it's about the size of an apple seed"
"when will it be grown enough for us to hear the heartbeat?" ethan asks.
"around 8 week's, so in three weeks but there's a better chance of being able to hear it if you wait a week or two after you reach the 8 week's." she says as she starts wiping the gel off my stomach.
"do you have any more questions?" she asks
"no" ethan and I say
"alrighty then. You can change back into your clothes and I will leave the room and meet you at the front" she says smiling
"okay thank you so much" I say as she leaves the room.
"i'm gonna undress and you better close your eyes. better yet, turn around" I say to ethan.
"fine fine" he says turning around
"wait. can you untie the thing"
"yea" he chuckles as he unties the gown.
"thank you"

We leave the room and go to the front.
"So I printed the image of the fetus and it's already labeled five weeks" dr zimmerman says
"thank you" ethan and I say.
"no problem, have a good day. you seem to have a strong relationship together which will be really good for when the baby comes"
"oh um we're n-"
"thank you that means a lot. We really do have such a powerful relationship" ethan says as he pulls me close to him, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"why'd you say that e. I've said this so much. we are not together." I say
"I know you've said it a thousand times. It was just funny pretending we were a couple already" he said as we entered his car
"we should tell them soon" I say
"tell who..?"
"gray. and chloe. they should know. we've been keeping it from them for over a month. do you know how many times chloe has told me I need to work out more because of our baby" I say
Ethan just stares at me smiling.
"what?" I say confused.
"you said our baby." he said
"well it is our baby. what else would I call it"
"you usually say the baby, but you said our baby. as in you and I" he said
"it's not just mine" I say, a smile growing on my face.
"so about that date. I was thinking lunch or breakfast and then going to buy b-... i mean going to a place." ethan says
"how bout brunch. and what do you mean going to a place?"I say confused
"you'll see" he says smirking
"i'm not gonna go if you don't tell me" I say with my arms crossed.
"yes you are. so i'll pick you up from your apartment tomorrow at around 10 for brunch and then a surprise" he says as he gets out of the car and runs over to my side and opens my door.
"thank you you don't have to do that" I say laughing because he's out of breathe.
"chivalry isn't dead" he says while winking then laughing.
"you may or may not see me tomorrow" I say as i start walking to my apartment.
"I will see you tomorrow. no question. bye" he yells as i walk to the elevator.

-moi aka author

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