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2:08 PM
I woke up with a pounding headache. On my bedside table, there was a bottle of water, next to 2 aspirin tablets and an Emergen-C packet with a post-it stuck to it that said:

told one of the
              boys to be there for u when
      u wake up so one of them should be
                 there. i'll be home soon.

"thank god for chloe" I said to myself.
I sat up in my bed and dumped the packet into the water and chugged half, then swallowed the two aspirins and drank the rest of it.

I got up and immediately ran to the bathroom to the toilet and threw up.
"fuck i'm really hungover. maybe still drunk" I thought to myself.
The door to my room opened and Ethan ran in seeing me in the bathroom.
I tried to close the door that connected the toilet to the rest of the bathroom but his foot stopped the door from closing.
"Are you okay Lex" he asked.
"im fine. u need to go i'm disgusting."I replied
"no your not. and i'm not leaving. Did u eat something weird?"
"no i was at home the whole day. Maybe i'm still drunk" I said.
"Alex, are you preg-"
I threw up again and tried to shut the door again but ethan barged in and held my hair while rubbing my back.
"there's no way I haven't had sex recently." I said breathing heavily.
"you don't remember.." ethan murmured.
"what?" I asked
"please don't freak out Alex." he said
"Why? What happened? Ethan!" I replied panicking.
"yesterday, you were really drunk and so I carried you to your room to sleep and then you kissed me..."
"AND?" I yelled
"I stopped it from going further and left the room but then I heard moans and then so I opened your door again and you were using your vibrator and I got really turned on and-"
"and then we had sex" I said finishing his sentence.
"we were both drunk and it just happened" he replied rubbing the back of his neck.
"did we use a condom" she asked, her breath shaky.
"um.. no..." he replied
"okay.. okay.. it's okay. it's okay. it is okay. okay..." I repeated to myself, on the verge of crying.
"ethan... you need to buy a pregnant test." I said
"okay. I will." he replied.

I came back to Alex's apartment with a pregnancy test in my hand. I knock on the door and no one answers. I try opening the door and it's unlocked so I walk in.
I call out her name and I hear no answer so I start panicking. I run down the hallway to her room and opened the door to see her sleeping peacefully on her bed. She looked gorgeous.

I walk towards where she was sleeping and kissed her lips without hesitation, instantly regretting what I had done since we weren't together despite what she said yesterday.
She woke up confused.
"did you just kiss me?" she said yawning.
"um no?" I replied
"yes u did" she said
"okay. yes I did. I'm sorry it's just... yesterday.."
"yesterday what" she asked
"you said some stuff that might be true and you showed me affection and..."
"and what." she asked with slight irritation in her voice
"and I liked what I heard and felt okay... here's the damn pregnancy" I said annoyed, handing her the test.
she just continued to sit there.
"alex? aren't u gonna take the test" I asked
"I can't be pregnant. I just can't." she muttered repeatedly.
I sat down next to her.
"just take the test and everything will be fine"
"EVERYTHING WILL NOT BE FINE. IF I TAKE THE TEST AND IT SAYS IM PREGNANT WHAT AM I GONNA DO" she started yelling out, tears falling from her face.
"If I'm pregnant i'm gonna be alone. I can't be pregnant. I can't-"
"you can't what" I asked
"I can't raise it." she replied
"yes you can. you won't be alone. I won't
leave you" I replied trying to comfort her.
"ethan, we can't raise a baby... you know that.. we're not together, I don't have money, I can't just drop everything for it when there's so much more I still have to do..."
"alexandra... you can't get an abortion. you will be killing him or hers life. we can do it. we don't have to be together to raise a baby. so many people do it, and so can we. I have money saved up. we can do it" I say putting my hand on hers.
she moves her hand from mine and gets up with the test and goes to the bathroom

"how much longer" I asked impatiently
"twenty seconds" ethan replied pacing the room.

"okay. look at it."
"I can't you look" I say showing him the test.
"it's... positive" he says
"it's positive. you're pregnant" he says
"no no no no n-"
"it's okay we can do this" he replies trying to hold me
"GET OUT GET OUT" I scream while bawling.
Ethan leaves the room and closes the door.
I sit there, crying and screaming for what seemed like an hour.

I just waited, sitting outside her bedroom door, listening to her cry. It broke my heart. I know she thinks she can't raise a kid but I know she can. we can together. all she needed was a little push to recognize that?

She seemed like she wasn't crying anymore bc I couldn't hear any noise from her room. I stood up and slowly opened her door.
I looked at her. her face was red and tears still falling down her face silently. I walked over to her and hugged her. Instead of panicking, she hugged me back, and broke down in my arms.

"what do we do" I asked
"don't worry. we can raise him or her. we can do it." ethan replies, kissing the top of my head and rubbing my back.
"I don't want to. I can't. the baby wont have a good life if we do this..
"alex.. don't think like that. of course it will. We both have jobs and savings and i'll even work double" ethan says
"what if when the baby comes we can't do it.." I say, now just wiping away tears.
"we will make a plan. we can start preparing now. we can buy things we need. we could even get an apartment together. okay? we can do this" ethan said holding my hands.
"okay.. we can do this.. we can do this... let's just hold off of telling gray and chloe"

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