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"why r we having game night?" chloe asks
"because it's fun and we haven't had one in a while."
"will there-"
"yes there will be drinks. duh who do u think I am." I say laughing
"this is why I love you" chloe says blowing me a kiss
"so we're prolly gonna do it here. i'm for sure gonna get stuff for like frozen cocktails and maybe frozen mojitos. what else" I ask
"ooo buy rosé"
"really? they drink that stuff?" I ask
"no. that's for us for another time"
"alright" I say laughing.
"u know we don't have any games tho right" chloe says
"we have monopoly. but i'll tell ethan to bring more. I wanna play pictionary"
"random but ok. u know I feel like lately it's been a lot of you and ethan. is there something ur not telling me?? are u guys a thing?"
"we hang out a lot too u know. but i'm not saying no but i'm not saying yes" I say smiling
"BRO NO WAY. that's amazing. gray and I called it." she says smiling
"it's not like an official thing... we did go on a date tho." I say grinning
"SHUT UP! WHY DIDNT U TELL ME" she yells while jumping
"because I didn't want you to act like that. and I was sorta worried u would act the complete opposite of that and totally crash down on it"
"no way. the two of you having a maybe thing is awesome and I fuck with it hard. grayson probably will too."
"I was surprised when he told me he liked me. it was kinda weird since we've known each ohther since middle school but after the date it made me happy. and it felt right."
"AWWWW I already know you guys will be adorable!!!" she says hugging me.
"thanks. I gotta go buy drinks and ice now so i'll be back"
"wait i'll come with you. we can talk more about the two of you"
"what more is there to talk about"
"ummm how bout when you went on a date and what you did and how he was and just everything" she says excitedly
"fine.. let's go"

Once we arrived, it was around 7:00PM meaning the boys would be arriving soon.
Ten minutes later, we heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and was immediately engulfed in a hug from grayson, surprisingly.
"hey to you too gray" I say confused
"oh right. hey" he said still hugging me
"why are we hugging" I whisper shouted
"because you're dating my brother" he said laughing
"can u hug me less tight please" I say chuckling
"oh sorry" he says
"it's fine. anyways i'm glad he told you."
"duh lex i'm his brother. of course he would tell me! he tells me everything"
"mhm" I say, thinking about ethan and I's secret.
"what was that mhm for"
"what? nothing" I say trying to be nonchalant

An hour and a half into game night, we were playing life. Everyone was on their second drink already. except for me of course.
"why aren't you drinking anything" chloe asks
"what? oh. I just don't feel like it." I reply
"who are u and what have you done with my best friend? the alex I know and love loves booze"
"yea but the alex you still know and love just wants to cut down on booze because someone aka her best friend says she is gaining weight"
"forget what I said just drink with us!"
"it's okay chlo. you enjoy it tho" I say cheers-ing her glass while I just drink water.
"guys let's play pictionary" ethan suddenly says
"okay!" I say excitedly
"that game is boring" gray replies
"yea" says chloe agreeing
"i'm hostess so I say we are playing pictionary. trust me it gets competitive" I say
"I live here too!" chloe says
"we have a deal buddy" I reply back to her
"k so. you and grayson on one team and eth and I on another. when it's your guys' turn, ethan and I have to guess. so every one we guess right, we get a point and vice versa.

Five minutes into the game, everyone is already super competitive. the score is 5-7. Grayson and chloe were losing by two points so they were pissed because they both are hella competitive.
"you bitches are going down!" chloe yells
"yea. We're gonna win" grayson also yelling.
"well it's our turn losers so sit down" I say as ethan and I stand up.
"prepare to lose and be shocked" ethan says grinning at them, then winking at me.
I get a card and pretend to read it and I start doing the motion. Ethan does the same.
"OKAY. TWO WORDS!" chloe yells
"Um ur rubbing your stomach... your full?" grayson guesses
"nope" ethan replies.
Ethan pretends to suck his thumb.
"a baby!" chloe yells
"wrong again" I say laughing
I start rubbing my belly again and arch my back to pop my stomach out more while ethan points to it and acts like a baby.
"OH OH OH YOURE PREGNANT!" grayson and chloe yell simultaneously.
"DING DING DING ur correct!"
"WAIT WHAT?" they both yell at the same time again.
"you're pregnant?" chloe asks
I nod my head and look at ethan, grabbing his hand.
"and your the dad?" grayson asks
"yep" ethan replies.
"i'm pregnant" I say grinning
"oh my god!!" chloe says hugging me while grayson hugs ethan
"you're gonna be a mommy and he's gonna be a daddy oh my go-... wait a minute... you've only gone on one date and you guys already slept with each other?" she asks confused yet excited
"no... remember when you asked me why I was acting so weird that one night and like I said I fell asleep in alex's room.." ethan starts to say
"no. no way really? I knew you guys did something!" chloe says
"great job detective!" I say sarcastically
"anyways i'm happy for you" she says smiling then hugging me again
"how far along are you?" gray asks
"a little over five weeks" ethan says proudly
"you've been keeping track?" I ask
"of course. I wanna know everything about this little guy... or girl" he says happily
I just grin at him and hold his hand.
"oohhhhhh thanks captain obvious" I say sarcastically.
"now that we know the real tea, show off the bump! let us see!"
I lift my shirt up to the bottom of my breasts and model and show of my baby bump.
"call vogue for me. there's a new pregnant supermodel in town" I say while dramatically flipping my hair.
"it's so tiny!" grayson says excitedly
"can we feel" chloe asks
"I would say yes but you won't feel anything because it is very very very tiny. I'll let you feel once it gets bigger. maybe like one trimester in?" I say
"deal" grayson and chloe say smiling

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