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It's been a month. one month, since my baby died. one month of not talking to alex. and one month of the same cycle.

wake up at noon or past.
go to the bar.
get black out drunk or worse.
rinse and repeat.
plus the occasional slut fuck.

have I drowned every care I've ever had with booze?
do I care about the baby?
do I care about grayson? or chloe?
do I care about alexandra?
but will I show that I care?
hell no

it's past one. gotta get to the bar. like I said,
rinse and repeat.


A week after I told ethan the truth, I tried apologizing. At first I texted him every day.
No answer.
So then I also started calling every day.
No answer.
So then I went over to their place every day.
Still no answer.

I go to their place almost every single day. Since I have a spare key I have to let myself in most of the time. I sit at the kitchen waiting for ethan to come out of his room. When he does, I try saying a word, and he walks right past me. And out the door.. to a bar.
I waited for him once; to see when he would come home. It was 3 AM. And sometimes even with a girl.

It hurt me so much. to see him with someone that wasn't me. It shouldn't though.
we aren't dating.
I got it through my head, but I couldn't get it through to my heart.

I've been trying to get him to talk to me for a month and the most he's said to me was "I need to get a fork" because I was in front of the utensil drawer, trying to get him to talk, or just swearing at me.

I am so close to giving up on him.

It's almost four and ethan still isn't home. I'm starting to worry. He's usually home by now.
I text him. No answer. I call him no answer.
Then, the door opens slowly.
There walks in Ethan. He has bruises on his face. His lip is bleeding. So is his eye brow. His knuckles are red and bloody too. His shirt had blood, hopefully not his own blood, on it.

I run to him and as he drags his feet on the doormat, he trips. I caught him just in time.
"Ethan are you okay? What happened?" I asked, the stench of alcohol filling my nose.
"i'm fine" he says angrily pushing past me with his broad shoulders.
"Ethan you are bleeding!"
"And I said i'm fine" he says as he walks into his room, closing the door.

I walk to the guest bathroom and open the medicine cabinet, grabbing their first aid kit.
I take it and walk to ethan's room.
I open the door.
My eyes meet with his chiseled abs. Cuts and bruises on them. He was taking off his shirt.
"I told you i'm fine. why are you in here" he asked annoyed, not realizing what I was staring at.
He finally looked at me, realizing I was looking at him. looking at his body. More precisely, admiring his body.
He snapped in front of my face which pulled me back to reality.
"um why are you bleeding"
"I just got into a fight. why do you care"
"Why do I care? I care because we are best friends. We dated. We had a.. a child together... And you're drunk. why wouldn't i care about you.? do you really not care about me"
"I'm not drunk. I can take care of myself" He says as he grabbed the first aid kit from my hands, walking to his bathroom.
"JUST LET ME DO THIS FOR YOU... please" I say, raising my voice.

I followed him into his bathroom and I
tried hopping on the countertop to sit but I slipped off.
A slight chuckle managed to come out of his mouth.
"here." he said as he put his hands on my waist, sending chills all over my body, lifting me, then placing me on top of his sink counter.
I grabbed the kit from his arms and set it beside me and opened it. I took out the antiseptic wipes and opened one of them.
"can you.. um.. come closer" I said awkwardly.
He walked closer to me, staying right in between my legs. I lightly grabbed his face by his chin, then touched the wipe to his busted lip. He winced in pain.
"sorry! sorry."
"it's fine"
"yyou can- you can squeeze my hand.? if u want.."
I slowly put the wipe to his lip again, cleaning the cut, making him wince again. He grabbed my hand.
I cleaned the cuts on his chest.
Then down to his stomach.
My hands moved down to up, feeling his muscles tense at my touch.

I cleaned the rest of his cuts and put dressing on the bigger ones.

After I finished, it was silent. He coughed to break the tension. "um. thanks" he said
"you don't have to thank me. i know you hate me and don't care, but please. don't get into a fight again. "
He didn't say anything for a little bit.
"I could never hate you... and i do care about you"
I smiled and said , "Promise me you won't fight" as I held up my pinkie finger.
He put up his pinkie finger as well and locked it with mine.
We stayed like that for a minute or two.
"I should.. probably put a shirt back on" he said, clearing his throat, is both forgetting he never put his shirt back on.
He was about to walk to his closet when I hooked my legs onto each other behind him, straddling him.
"Or don't..."
His hand immediately went to my waist.
I put my hands on his neck, staring into his beautiful brown eyes, a hint of yellow and green in them.
His breathing was uneven, heart pounding faster and faster.
"kiss me." I said
With that, he moved closer to my face, inches away from the other. Only the sound of our breaths being heard. He leaned his forehead on mine, slowly moving in to my lips.
His lips so soft and plump, consuming my thoughts.
Our lips syncing together, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly with one another.
He started to lift my shirt up until I stopped us.
"you're hurt.. we probably shouldn't"
He disregarded it and continued taking my top off. He pulled himself closer to me. I moved my hands down to his abs, needing to feel the sensation again.  I touched one of the cuts I dressed, causing him to wince in pain.
"I'm sorry! are you okay ethan?"
"it's okay lex.   but your right we probably shouldnt" he said, sighing in annoyance.
"this is why you shouldn't get into fights." I say chuckling.

"we are going to continue this soon.."

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