Chapter: 2

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I woke up on the tile in the kitchen. My head hurt like... language... and my head was covered in blood. I raised my hand to my face and winced as my finger touched the cut. I was stinging just like any other. I shakily stood up from the floor and caught my balance, before walking to the bathroom. I grabbed the rag from the rack. It was stained red from all the times I had used it. I washed my face not bothering to acknowledge the pain. I examined the cut and it was worse than I thought. It ran from the corner of my right eye all the way to the back of my ear. Oh crap, I thought.

I sighed. It had stopped bleeding, but I didn't put anything on it. It just wasn't worth it.

Aggie was gone meaning she wouldn't be back until like 2 AM. I checked my phone. 9:04. Great, I still had about five hours. I sauntered upstairs to my room and slowly shut the door. I pulled out my iPhone 4S from where I hid it under the pillow and turned on my favorite song, moments by one direction.

Shut the door

Turn the light off

I want to be with you

I want to feel your love, Liam sang softly.

The words calmed me down and made me forget about the pain. I started to zone out. I didn't even know what the words to the refrain were. I always looked back on the events that had happened that day and the more I thought the more I realized how awful my life really was.

I thought back to this morning...

I woke up and the first thing that my five senses picked up was blood. I checked my body to see where the blood was coming from, until I saw two slits on my wrists. It would leave a scar, but at least that's not the worst place she's cut me. I wrapped it in blue prewrap that I had snagged from the nurses office last month, pulled on some jeans, a pair of uggs, and red longsleeved shirt and a sweatshirt. I put on a baby blue beanie and headed down the stairs. I grabbed my bag off the banister and tiptoed towards the door, but I was too slow for Aggie. She cut me off in the middle of the hallway.

"Get in the car-"

"Language." I said. "and no, I think I'm gonna walk to school today."


"Ugh!" Jeez. Was she ever not drunk?

I slipped out the door before she could change her mind. It took me 45 minutes to walk to school, and still I got there early. I hung out on the swings for about a good half-hour before heading off to class. Just as I was about to enter history, I heard a familiar growl from behind me. It was Marissa.

"Where are ya going, slug?"


"I don't think so." Oh jeez, not again. Half of my scars and bruises came from Aggie, but the other half came from Marissa. At first she was the only one who knew about the cuts on my body, but of course she had to be her idiot self and blab to the whole school about my abuse and how ugly I was, etc...

She grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back until I was facing her.

"What?" I spat.

"We're gonna take a little walk," she sneered. Great. This means I would be coming home with another cut or bruise. I love my life.

She dragged me through the doors and onto the empty playground, her "posy" following behind. The ground was completely bare which made me even more depressed. I loved the cold but snow was what I awaited every single year. The first snowfall of the season always seemed like the best day of my life. Even if I gained ten new cuts, I didn't acknowledge the fact. That day everything was perfect. But it had been a hot summer and there probably wouldn't be any snow this year.

She pushed me against the fence and snapped her fingers. Two of the brunettes behind her came up and grabbed my arms and held me back against the fence.

Marissa advanced and raised her hand. I flinched backwards as her palm came in contact with my face, but I didn't make a sound. I wouldn't ever let her have the satisfaction. She raised her hand again and this time she made a fist and punched me right in the left eye. That would leave a mark.

I just stood there as her and her friends laughed and punched and kicked me over and over until I couldn't even stand. The brunettes let go of my arms and followed Marissa back into the school as I collapsed onto the freezing ground. About two hours later, the school nurse walked outside for her lunch break. She saw me laying on the ground and rushed over.

"Tommy! Tommy, what happened?" she asked frantically.

''Nothing," I managed to get out.

"Come on." She picked me up in her arms and carried me to her office, and put ice on all my bruises. "Who do I call? What's your parents number?" she asked me.

"My parents are in Beijing," I said sadly.

"Then who's taking care of you, dear?" I couln't let her call Aggie.

"Um, a nanny," I said quietly.

"Well, what's her number?"

"No! No, please don't call her. She won't pick up anyway. She's probably out drinking, and even if she is home, she'll be too drunk to pick up the phone." I sighed. "I can walk. I'll just go home."

"No, I'll drive you," she insisted.

"Really, it's okay. I'll be going," and I walked out the door not even caring about the pain anymore. I was just so used to it. Just as I thought I was safe, another figure blocked my path.

"Hey babe."

"Go away, Ian," I said under my breath.

"Why should I, babe?" He slurred. He was drunk? Oh, yeah I could smell the acohol in his breath.

"Don't call me that, Ian," I pushed him away from me but he pulled me closer and put his arm around me. "Ugh, get off me."

"Come on. That's no way to treat your boyfriend."

"You're not my boyfriend, Ian, just go away, " I warned

"I don't think so, babe," he grabbed my harm so hard it lost feeling, but he didn't let go.

"Ian, please. Just... let go," He wouldn't have it. He kissed me, but I didn't kiss back. I kept fighting against him. Thing thing was, his kiss didn't mean anything. It was rough and it was like he was just trying to prove something.

When he pulled away he almost collapsed into my arms. Stupid drunk Ian. I dropped him onto the floor and ran out of the school, again ignoring the pain. I stopped near the road.

Where am I going? Oh jeez, there's no point in going home. Back to school? Not likely. I just ended up walking to the park.

I sat on a bench in front of the playground watching kids swinging and hanging on the monkey bars. I smiled. Seeing kids have this much fun made my want to live my childhood over again. Redo it. Avoid all the pain. I sighed, laying my head back and looking at the sky. No clouds. Perfect in the summer, awful in the winter. No clouds= no snow. After ten minutes, a woman in her early thirties sat next to me on the bench.

"Hi," she said softly.

"Hey," I replied still staring at he sky.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess."

She moved closer. "Where are you supposed to be right now?" she asked, comfort in her voice.

"I honestly don't know." I responded, shaking my head. She nodded and went to her son who had just fallen off one of the swings. I sat on that bench for about three more hours just staring at the sky, my mind completely blank.

Finally, I got up and walked back to my house. When I made it back, I noticed something was different. Aggie's car wasn't in the driveway which I kinda was happy about, but where her car should be was a different one. A black Suburban. With a shriek I realized that I knew this car.

It belonged to my parents.

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