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***A/N: Writing an 'original' chapter is hard as absolute fuck. Some people can do pretty well. But this story? Shittiness level: 100%***

You are now entering dangerous territory. Beware of grammar errors. 

Connor got out of the taxi, still carrying Rei in his arms. He had arrived in front of a tall building; Rei told him that she lived in this glass structure, on the 5th floor, room 521b. Now all Connor needed was the key to enter the building. Which was, not surprisingly, her handprint.

He took her hand gently and placed it on the scanner.

"You know, Connor," she said softly, breaking the awkward silence between them, "you could just drop me off here. I'm fine, really."

The door unlocked with a click and a beep. Connor turned the knob and entered. "No. I'll take you up to your place." He approached the elevator and called for a ride up. "Speaking of which, if you don't mind, would it be too inconvenient if I stayed at your place for the night?"

Rei shifted her body slightly and snuggled closer to Connor. "No, not at all. In fact, feel free to stop by my place any time you'd like. You're always welcome.

Software instability 🔼  

The elevator arrived and Connor stepped in. He liked Rei's warmth against his body; he wanted to keep that heat for as long as he possibly could.

He noticed her tugging slightly at his tie. "Is something the matter?"

"Can you please set me down?" She ran her eyes over his face for a moment, seemingly in a way that only an android would've done so. "It's not that I don't enjoy your warmth, but, really, I'd prefer to walk on my own, Connor."

Connor refused. "I'll set you down once we get to your apartment."

Her lip curled into a playful smirk. "You really enjoy holding me in your arms, don't you?"

Software instability 🔼  

"Maybe." Connor felt his cheeks heat up. Was it really easy to see into his thoughts?

With a ding, the elevator stopped at floor 5. Connor stepped out and headed down the hall. He realized that, just because he was carrying her, he didn't even have the urge to play with his quarter coin. He'd always reach for his coin when he was in an elevator, but not this time. All he really wanted was to keep her close.

"We're here." She tapped his shoulder again, indicating for him to put her down. 

Reluctantly, Connor loosened his grip around her waist and set her down.

Rei rested her hand on the scanner gently and, with a soft click, the door swung open. Connor detected a scrambling sound from inside. She headed inside and pulled Connor inside by the hand. Connor knew that she had no romantic intentions when she grabbed his hand, but he couldn't help himself: something inside him directed him to lace his fingers with hers.

Her eyes widened a little and she quickly pulled away, her cheeks bright red. What had gotten into her? Back at the supposed crime scene, she'd pulled him in and kissed him so passionately. And now? Pulling away when he held her hand?

Connor looked around and immediately realized where that scrambling sound came from. 

Rei caught him looking and smiled slightly at him. "Yes, that's my pet... android."

"Android rabbits?" Connor was instantly intrigued. 

She laughed softly. "Yes. Its name is Marshmallow. Marshie, for short."

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