chapter 8

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we all walked towards the gates of alexandria.

the wall was huge. it seemed safe.

there were guards along the gate with rifles, so it was clearly protected.

i was in between carl and dad. i had my bow ready along with my dad. none of us were quite sure on how we feel about this place, so we need to be ready for anything and everything.

as the gates opened up, we all heard a noise behind us. we all got our guns, or in my case bow, ready to fire.

it was just a possum in the trash can.

"got it" dad said to me. he knew that the hunter inside of me was about to shoot it. he shot it and went to go pick it up.

the dude on the other side of the gate looked mortified. dad looked up at him and said "we brought dinner". i let out a small chuckle that only dad could hear. he looked at me with a grin and i smiled back.

"it's ok, come on in guys" aaron said. we all slowly walked in to what might be our new home.

dad walked directly beside me, not knowing if this place was safe yet. we were all skeptical, but he was especially since i was being lead into this.

the guy who was guarding the gate then informed us that we need to turn over our weapons.

i looked up at dad and he had a pissed look on his face along with me. no one takes our bows.

"we don't know if we want to stay" rick said. he then quickly looked back at me. i then knew that the decision would probably be on me.

"it's fine" aaron said to the dude. "if we were gonna use them, we would've started already" i said with a straight face. everyone turned to me.

i just remained giving the guy a death glare. "let them talk to deanna first" aaron said. "who's deanna?" abraham shouted. "she know everything you wanna know about this place. rick, why don't you start" aaron said.

before agreeing, he told sasha to kill the walker out side of the gate. "it's a good thing we're here" rick said. he then handed off judith to carl so he could go talk to this deanna person.

"rae, i'll probably need you in a few minutes. stay alert. keep everything in order" he said looking at me. i nodded.

aaron then lead rick off. the dude that was guarding the gate started looking at me. dad put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.


"-they're dead so my family, all those people out there, can be alive. so i can be alive for them" i said.

it's true. all those people out there are my family. no matter if they're blood or not. i love each and everyone one of them. deanna and i continued discussing.

"-it's time to decide. if your the one who's doing the deciding" deanna said.

"i need reagan. she helps me with every decision i make." i said. "is she the girl with the bow? from what aaron's told me, she's pretty important" deanna stated.

"yeah. she's been with me since the beginning. we saved eachother when all of this began. we helped eachother find our family. her dad is the man with the bow. she's my right hand man. well...girl. i don't make a decision without her" i said. deanna smiled.

"she seems really important to you and your son. it's like she's your main priority" deanna said. it was the truth.

"my son carl and her are the closest bestfriends that you'll ever see. they never go anywhere without eachother. and i see her like my daughter. when her dad goes out for runs and such, i try to take her under my wing. i want to be there for her as much as possible no matter what happens. i mean, she's saved me on several accounts. if it wasn't for her i wouldn't be alive today." i said. "let's bring her in" deanna said.

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