Something's HAPPENING

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Well, that sounded like this chapter is going to be about a bad thing. It's not.

I just want to give my wonderful readers information about how this story is going to go. As you all know, August is here. So that means back to school for me. Ugh, I just can't bear to think of the work and the projects. I'm going to put this story on hold for a little bit. The rest of August and maybe the first week of September (hopefully it doesn't come to that). I pre-write my chapters, so I write a bulk of them and then I publish one of them once a week. I just want to make sure that I have enough chapters to last so I won't start feeling stressed and whatever about posting new chapters. I promise you guys/girls though, that I will NOT be abandoning this story. I love this story and I just want to let you girls/guys know that.

P.S. The picture in the media is a meme made by yours truly. If becoming a writer doesn't work out, then maybe I can be a full-time meme maker.

Originally published on August 3, 2018

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