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1. This mainly is Lucas's story

2. In this everyone (the twins, Cyrus, Darius, Steve, and maybe Alex) is in highschool in the same year as freshman

3. Also Lucas has a major crush on Steve

4. And to answer y'all's question yes I am mental, but hey you decided to read this not me soooooo

5. The story sets in present day, (and yes this is like an AU meaning alternate universe) and it's like 6:00 am

6. And that's all, and does Steve live with them, or what

7. Also Steve, Cyrus, and Darius are jocks, and Lucas, and Marcus well their them😂

8. Also for the story Steve is now muscular not just toned.

Loving My Best Friend, (Steve Perez The Man Behind The CameraWhere stories live. Discover now