{4} Calling Alex

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Previously: Jessica who is Steve's girlfriend found out about Lucas, and Steve were fooling around. And she went to Darius hoping he would date her. But turns out he's gay too, so now Darius, Lucas, Marcus, and Steve are all gay. Will Cyrus, become gay too?? Or will him, and Christina be the only straight couple??

Lucas's P.o.V.

It's been almost an hour since Jessica left, and we all found out Dari was gay. I decided to invite Alex to play video games.

Me: hey Alec want 2 come play video games??

Alec😃: 👍 b there in 10

Me: cool😃

*End of texts*

"Hey guys you all want to have a contest?" I ask everyone.

" Yeah sure what you wanna play Luco?" Asks Steve. Just then there's a knock on the door, I go to answer it being greeted by Alec waving, although he looked scared, and out of breath like he had been running. I open the door as Alex lunges forward hugging me. After I process what's going on I hug him back, but as soon as I do he steps back looking like a just broke something.

"Sorry." Says Alex.

"It's okay, is something wrong?" I asked him. As I hear my phone buzz telling me I got a message. I pull out my phone to check it, and it's from an unknown number. It read

Watch your back!

I have no clue what that means or who it's from so i decide to text the number back.

Who are u, and what do u want??!

With that I put my phone away, and lead Alex to the living room. I go to turn on the Xbox, grab the only three controllers we own.

Sorry I exidently clicked publish so yeah. So I guess this will be a filler chapter. Anyways...





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