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Previously: (this story probably sucks, but if you like it then thank you)
Also there is no previously for this chapter so just read the story.

I grabbed the controllers, and went to sit in the couch between Steve, and Alex.

"Guys we should have a competition!" I say hopeing they'll agree. I don't think Marcus, Cyrus, or Dari will, because of what I had the losers do if I won, although I never had competitions, with my brothers it would be kinda weird if I did.

"Sure, what's the prize though if you win?" Ask Steve, and Alex say together.

"I was thinking there are no prizes, but if you lose you have to do a dare that the winner decides." I say still hopeing they'll play.

"Sure." Says Alex.

"Sounds fun." Says Steve.

"Okay, now what do you guys want to play?" I ask them.

"Assassin's Creed: Origins?" Says Alex.

"Sure." I reply getting off the couch putting it in, and going to sit back down.

Time skip brought to you by magical forces of time (half hour)

"And that's the end of the competition, so wins?" I ask looking to Marcus, because he has the score board.

"Well it looks like...Lucas won." Says Marcus. Yes, I win, and I know what I'm going to make them do.

"Ok, so what do we have to do?" Asks Steve.

"Ok, so I've come up with different punishments for both of you, so Alex your punishment first. You have to post on Twitter that your pregnant, and it's Darius's child." I say not thinking that he will.

"Fine." Alex, says bluntly. Pulling out his phone to actually do it. A sure enough a few seconds later all of our phones go off.

"There happy?" Asks Alex with sarcasm in his voice.

"Very happy." I reply happily, trying to hide my laugh, but fail miserably.

"Ok, so what do I have to do?" Asks Steve.

"Lucas don't!" Says Cyrus.

"What... Ok so Steve I'll give you a choice either, play a round of gay chicken, or die your hair orange." I say.

Steve's P.o.V.

Ugh, well I don't even know what gay chicken is, but I don't want to have orange hair either. So I guess I'll go with gay chicken.

"Um, gay chicken I guess." I say hesitantly.

"Do you even know what gay chicken is?" Asks Cyrus.

"No I don't should I?" I ask hopeing I'm not missing out.

"Um, search it on Google, okay, then figure out if you still want to play gay chicken." Says Darius.

"Ok?" I say getting out my phone, and going on Google. I soon figure out what gay chicken is, and decide it would still be better than dieing my hair orange.

"I'll do gay chicken. It seems better then dieing my hair orange." I say.

"Ok, so you want to go first?" Asks Lucas.

"Um, no you can I guess." I say.

"Then you know you got to like totally turn to me right?" Asks Luco.

"Yeah, I knew that!" I say turning to face him.

"Ok, you ready?" Asks Lucas.

"Um yeah, I guess." I say becoming a human tomatoe.

Lucas's P.o.V.

I already knew I was going to win, I played this a million times when I was dating Alex.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Um, yeah I guess so." Says Steve as he tenses. I bring my hand to his lower thigh, and slowly start dragging my hand upwards towards his waist. I stop as he backs away, when I reach his upper thigh. Although that's farther then I thought I would get.

"So my turn now then I'm guessing?" Says Steve.

"Yep." I say, turning to Steve. Steve then places his hands on my lower inner thigh. He slowly starts dragging his hand on up towards my waist. He soon gets to the pockets, of my jeans, and hesitantly brings his hand to my crotch.

Loving My Best Friend, (Steve Perez The Man Behind The CameraWhere stories live. Discover now