{5} The Airport

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Previously: "hi Steve."

Darius's P.o.V.

"H-hey, uh Darius." Stutters Steve quietly.

*akward silence, because who doesn't love some akward silence*

"L-look, I know it's been awhile, but~" says Steve before getting cut off by Marcus.


"L-look I know it's been two years, but did you not think that I would keep track of how many days I've away from you all from you, Dari, Cy, Luco, and Alex. Do you not think I regreted not yelling no to my mother when she tried to take me back to Costa Rica? If I did have the choice I would have left. I would've stayed, ask Lucas to marry me. I hated myself for not trying to stay for not trying to stay with Lucas. I love him, and I will forever love him." Yells/screams/questions Steve. (Can someone please somehow get Steve to say this, plzz)

"Sorry I didn't realize." Glumly apologies Marcus.

"It's alright, Marcus. But um hey I know it's been a really long time, but um can I ask a favor?" Asks Steve.

"Yeah sure what is it?" I ask Steve. Does he need a loan to get here?

"Can I get a ride?" Asks Steve. In that moment you could almost see Steve's smile through the phone.

"Wait are you here, in L.A.?" Asks Cyrus.

"Yeah I'm in L.A." Replys Steve.

"We'll be there in twenty-five minutes." Says Marcus while already walking to the door.

I hang up, take hold, and intertwine my fingers, with Cyrus's.

"Really, Darius?" Asks Cyrus.

"Yup." I reply back with a cheesey grin. I grab onto the door knob, and go to pull it open, but stop when I feel a hand on my bottem. I turn back to see Cyrus staring at me, with the most cheesy, adorable grin on his face. Rolling my eyes I brush it off, and walk out.

*Skip the 25 minute long car ride*

Lucas's P.o.V.

We arrive at the airport twenty-five minutes later.

"Who are we picking up from the airport?" I ask Darius.

"Just wait you'll see, now come on or we'll miss them!" Says Darius pushing open his door.

Whatever. I get out to, all of us walking into the airport together I see a pretzel shop, and run off in the direction of it.

A few minutes later I return to my twin brothers side with a pretzel in hand.

"Hey, who are we waiting for?" I ask again.

"Just wait Lucas they'll be here soon enough." Says Cyrus. I look over to Cyrus, and realize something that I somehow never realized before. Cyrus, and Darius are actually holding hands, not like when me, and Marcus would walk around holding hands, but like how I would when I was with Invanita. Like fingers intertwined, Cyrus softly rubbing circles into the top of Darius's hand, and Darius looking really happy with it.

It was almost like they.... Omg they like each other. I have to find out how it happened later.

I get out my phone, and decide to play some games while we wait.

I played games or what felt like five minutes before there was a tap on my shoulder.

3rd person P.o.V.

The 19 year old boy looks up, to find a handsome young 21 year old with dirty blonde/brown hair, a white sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, and the dorkiest smile spread across his face.

Lucas takes off towards the young male that he once lost two years ago. Running up to the older male, Lucas jumps onto him wrapping his legs around the boy.

The rest of lucas's brothers standing behind him, with grins on there faces to. Lucas grips onto the back of Steve's sweatshirt holding on for dear life, and silently crying in his shoulder.

Then from behind the group of males a camera click is heard. Cyrus, Darius, and Marcus all turn around to see where the noise fame from, only to see a group of smiling, over the top fangurls/fanboys trying to hide their smiles, and cameras.

"Are you all Dobre Army?" Asks Darius.

"Y-yes we are." Replys the group of 10-15 year olds.

Lucas's P.o.V.

"I love you, Luco." Mumbles Steve.

"I-i love you, too." Is all I managed to say before crying again, and nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck. He puts his hand on my back slowly rubbing circles into it, and silently whispering, it's okay, to try, and calm me down.

I slowly bring my trembling lips to his neck, and softly kiss him. He smiles, and kisses me back.

Omg that was cute, I'm ded. But if you guys don't know that's all for this chapter. Hehe you all probably already knew.

But so what do you guys think about this chapter, personally I think this chapter was really cute. P.s. I'm writing this in class, and trying to hide a fangurl scream omg. But I'll see everyone of you in the next chapter Bai Bai. Remember...




D.J., or M

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