{5} Is This The End??

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Screw previously A/N: this will be part two of {5} ok, yeahh
[Don't play song yet]
Lucas's P.o.V.

, And started lightly palming me through my jeans. He seems to be almost worried. So to be a good friend I back up a tiny bit.

"So now that's over you guys want to go get food?" Asks Dari.

"Hmm, oh yeah sure." Steve says still palming me.

"Steve, you can stop I backed out already." I whisper to Steve.

"Oh yeah, right." Steve's says.

"Come on." Says Steve heading out the car. We all got out to the car, and decided to vlog since it was, Saturday.

*At the restaurant*

So what we doing today?" Asked Cyrus.

"Well, according to my calculations, we should be doing crazy dares on the beach." Says Darius while putting on glass trying act super smart. We decide to order, I got a chicken quesadilla. (Bc this totally helps the story😋)

*The vlog, and when someone is talking it will show their initial, for Cyrus, and Christina it will be Cy, and Rina*

D- "so for today we'll be doing crazy dares on the beach."
Cy- "so we just finished eating should we go to the beach now?"
*Steve nods camera*
L- "ok, let's go, wait where's the teleporter?"
D- "There isn't one, sometimes you have to make your own path." (Omg dari's so cringey sometimes, cringey but sweet)
M- "Ok, dari that's enough of your wisdomis thoughts."

Le time travel to le beach brought to you by me

Cy- "Dari's got the dares, so let's start"

Time skip almost end of video.

Cy- "Ok, so the last two dares are for you Steve."

S- "What I'm just the camera guy, im supposed to be recording you!"

L- "Well today, your in the vlog, so first dare is to do a backflip." 

A/N: Anyone else want to see Steve do a backflip in a video??

S- "Bro all four of you know I can't do a backflip!"

"Come on then we'll spot you." We all say together.
   Me, Marcus, and Darius all go over, and help Steve do a backflip.

D- "Ok, so the next dare is you have to go up to a random person, and see if they'll dance with you."

[Play song now please] S- ok, how about her??" Steve goes up to the elderly lady he had pointed to. They were talking for a few minutes, it was quite hard to figure out what they were saying. It sounded like they were talking about kids, or something. Then Steve's goes absolutely pale in the face. The elder woman gets to her feet, and smacks him across the face. That's it I don't care if me, and Steve aren't officially dating, no one touchs him, he's mine. (Over protective much there Luke?)

"Bro get off him!" I yelled at the woman.

"And who are you?" Asks the woman who hit Steve.

"I happen to be his...friend!" I say to her.

"See, and you said you didn't know these young boys!" Says the woman raising her hand again to hit him. In two seconds he fell to the ground.

"Stop, would you!" I say going over to help Steve up.
   Ok, what the heck bro, now this personal you just hit my best friend, and now he's on the ground.

"Let's just go, come in." Says Cyrus.

"Yeah, good idea." Mumbles Steve.

"No, come Steve were going back to Costa Rica!" (I'm not sure where Steve is from so) says the woman coming, and yanking Steve up by the wrist.

"Ouch." Mumbles Steve.

"No, stop, and who are you anyways?" Asks Darius.

"I happen to be Steve's mother, and come on were going home!" States who appears to be Steves mother.
(A/N: I just want to say I do not believe this, Steve's mother is a wonderful person, this is just for the sack of the story, and I swear I have nothing against his mom)

"He's over eighteen, he doesn't have to." I say hopeing that's actually true.

"Oh, is that what he told you, are you over eighteen then Steve?" Asks his mother.

"N-no Ma'am." Stutters Steve.

"Now than let's go!" Yells his mother pulling Steve with her to the car.

"I'm sorry Luco, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you before. And as soon as I can I'll come down, and see you, I promise." Says Steve.

"No, Steve please don't leave...please." I whimper whispering the last part.

"I'm sorry." Replys Steve before turning back to his mother.

"No, please." I whisper while running up to him, and throwing my arms around his neck, not wanting to let go. Before I'm ripped off him by my brothers. As I fall to the ground, and completely break down crying into my hands, repeating what just happened in my head. Then I get a notification from my phone, Dari checks it for me, and hands it to me telling me to read it. It read:

I'll see you, when I come back, I promise😢.

Then I got anther text reading:

I love you Luco 💕

Sorry for le feelz of Steve leaving, but had to, now that's all for this chapter I'll see all of you in the next chapter. Remember...




                                               -D.j., or M

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