First.... Goodbyes...

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{Don't play yet}

Steve's P.o.V.

After of us talking, and laughing at the airport, we all decided to go back to their house, and watch a movie. We all decided on Kung Fu Panda 2.

We all sat around Dari, and Cyrus sitting in the bean bag together. Marcus on my right, with my arm wrapped around him, but in a friendship way. Then Lucas on my other side cuddled next to me, with his legs resting over mine, and his head resting on my shoulder.

No matter how tired my arm, or legs got I still never moved, in fear of Lucas moving somewhere else instead of at my side.

Although around 8:30 we all decided to go to bed, because we were all on the verge of passing out. Except for Marcus who already was. We all head up stairs splitting off into rooms, Cyrus, and Darius in Cy's room. Me, and Lucas in his, and Marcus's room, and Marcus past out on the couch.

Me and Lucas layed down. My arm over his waist, and slightly rubbing his nipple.

"Really Steve?" Asks Lucas.

"Yup, you got a problem, with that?" I respond.

"What if I do?" He asks.

"Well then I'll just have to fix that." I reply with a smirk.

"Oh, shut up." Mocks Lucas.

"And what if I don't?"

"Well then, I'll bite you." Says Lucas in a matter of factly tone.

"Oh, please do." I tease.

"Go to bed Steve!" Commands Lucas.

"Fine." I mumble.

*Next day*

Lucas's P.o.V.

My alarm begins blaring, I look over it reads 6:01. I feel a slight rustle from behind me. I sigh "it's just Steve." I mumble.

"Yes, it is. And ya' know what I want?" Asks Steve. I jump a bit from the sound voice.

"w-What?" I ask shakily.

"Ta destroy dat ass of yours!" Claims Steve flipping us over to where he's on top. As much of a top that I am, I don't mind Steve being dom right now. It made me actually WANT to be a sub, which I'm not usually. (I feel like lucus really is though 😂 is that bad?)

I feel my face light up a shade of crimson, as he says that. He seemed to have taken notice, and he slowly and teasingly draws his fingertips up my inner thigh. I feel my breathing hitch, and it starts coming out in huffs.

"You like that baby boy?" Asks Steve.

"Y-yes Daddy!" I moan. My face heats up again, as I realize what I said.

"Well... I might just give in." Says Steve. I didn't get to say anything until he started talking again.

"...Later...!" Say Steve getting up to leave. I wasn't about to let him go just like that, not in this state.
  Before he reaches the door I snake my arms around his body.

"Please, don't leave me daddy." I beg moaning the last part of it.

"Why not?" He asks. I hesitate before answering again.

"Because... I have something I need help with." I whine. He turns to look at me. His roam over me, but he stops noticing that I've got a huge erection, that now got so bad it started to hurt.

"Oh yeah... And what's this problem you've got baby boy?" Asks Steve, teasingly spanking me.

"Please take care of it daddy!" I moan, but get cut off by a pair of lips against my own.
    He roughly starts kissing down my neck leaving bite mark every now and again. His hands travel to my sides, and up my shirt.
  Him softly kitten licking my nipple.

Loving My Best Friend, (Steve Perez The Man Behind The CameraWhere stories live. Discover now