The Flashback, and the call

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[don't play yet, don't fricking do it]

Marcus flung open the door to our room, and jumping up on the bed.

"Do you remember what today is?" Asked Marcus excitedly. I wasn't sure what he meant so I checked the date on my phone.

"Oh my gosh is he here!" I squel to Marcus. I really hoped they heard from him, I haven't heard from him, or been able to messaged him after he left a year ago. "Well, no, I thought you heard from him."

"No, after that day he blocked me, and hasn't unblocked me!" I practically scream at Marcus. Breaking down again, this is the fifth time I've broken down not just about him.

"Lucas, stop it's okay, it'll be fine." Says Marcus leaning in to hug me.


"Yes, Luc?" Says Marcus.

"Will he come back, or has he forgotten about us?" I ask Marcus looking for a hopeful answer.

"No." Is all he says before laying down holding on to me, as he fell asleep.
(It's not weird their twins, it's more, or less natural)

Marcus's P.o.V.

Does he really think Steve forgot about us? That's the question that keeps running through my head. Although I can never think of the answer to it. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cyrus knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I yell quietly trying not to wake Lucas.

"Hey, dude get up come on were going to be late again!" Says Cyrus, then leaving to get Dari up. As much as I'm enjoying laying here, I get Lucas up.

Time skip to school

We all get to homeroom, surprisingly we have most of the same classes together. Really the only thing different about our junior year is the fact that Steve's left. No Bodies had contact with him which is quite unusual for him he'd usally text us fivety times a day. But since he's left no one has gotten any calls, or texts from him. It's lately been driving Lucas insane.

   Although I've noticed Alex has been trying to flirt, with Lucas. I think that's been getting to him lately, before I noticed that Alex was Lucas, was almost totally fine. Then after I notice he was, Lucas seemed to flip out about everything, and whenever Alex came near him you could see him tense, and lately Lucas has spent a lot of time in our bedroom, which isn't like him. I'm starting to worry about him. 

  "Hey, Luc!" I call to Lucas after class. When I called him, he seemed to freeze, and stiffen. As if he was scared.

"Y-yeah, Alex?" Stutters Lucas not turning to face me.

"Dude, I'm not Alex. Are you okay Lucas you seem really jumpy lately?" I ask, knowing something's wrong. I'm prepared to have to argue with him to tell me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Says Lucas turning away from me.

"No it's not what's wrong?" I ask again.

"NOTHINGS WRONG, OKAY." Screams Lucas. Okay now I know something's wrong, and like seriously wrong. I decided to leave it at that, so turned to walk away only to come face to face with.....My brothers, and Alex. (omg no one would have thought of that)

"Hey, what was that about?" Asks Cyrus.

"I'm not sure, but it's something major." I say truthfully. I know something's wrong, and I'm going to find out what. I think it has something to do, with Alex. It's a little obvious that it does have something to do, with Alex, everytime he comes near Lucas he flinches, and just today, Lucas looked absolutely horrified when Alex touched him.

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