The Slushie

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Previously: Everyone was sitting in class, and Lucas started moaning Steve's name thinking about something😏, but the teacher heard it so whats going to happen to Lucas now that by lunch everyone will know he's gay, and what's going to happen to Steve when he actually has to slushie Lucas to stay on the football team.

"BOTH OF YOU TO THE OFFICE NOW!" Mr. Coffey yells.

"What the hell did we do, I get Luco's over here moaning, but still?" Asks Steve making me blush at the fact he called me Luco. Yes I know he has always called me Luco, but it still makes me think that it's another word for daddy. (Kinky😋)

"FAGGOT." I hear someone yell from their seat. Then I'm being pushed out the door, Steve following close behind me.

Very short time skip to when they arrive at the principals officer

"Do you know what you got in trouble for Steve?" Ask hopeing it wasn't, because of me.

"I don't know it could be, because I may, or may not have tried beating the crap out of James. After he called you a faggot." Steve says blushing. All I could think about after that was Steve not that I thought about anything else, but I just kinda sat in every class thinking about him, like being with him, feeling his lips on my own, or cuddling on the couch watching a movie, or someone asking who I got the hickeys on my neck, Stomach, and below the belt from.

"Lucas come on it's time for lunch." Marcus says bringing me out of my trance.

"Yeah yeah, coming!" I said.

"Are you okay Lucas?" Asks Darius.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask grabbing my books.

"After you, and Steve got back from the office you, just kinda..I dunno in a daze, wait did Steve kiss you while you going down to the office?" Marcus asks as Darius, and Cyrus start making kissy faces behind him.

"No, why would he do that he's straight remember!" (question of the day is Steve straight?) I sigh standing up, and walking by the door before getting slushied
(it means someone throws slushie in your face, it really hurts by the way!) Then all of a sudden I hear laughing from behind me, and then someone groaning from being punched, and fighting.
I clear enough slushie out of my eyes to see what was going on. Steve had tackled James to the ground, after he slushied me, or maybe it was, because James hit up Steve's girlfriend again.

Steve's Pov

All I saw was James walk by with a slushie I turned around, and realized who he was going to slushie this time..
Luco. He slushied him, and I just got really mad that he slushied my best friend, I rushed over, and managed to tackle James to the ground, and beat him cussing at him yelling asking him why he would do that to Luco. Then next thing I know I hear yelling, and I'm being yanked off of James, by the back of my collar. Getting yelled at by Cyrus, Darius, and Marcus at why I beat up James.

"I-I d-don't know." I stuttered trying not to be obvious of the real reason I did it.

"Steve, why did you?" Asks one of my other football friends.

"I don't FUCKING know, OK!" I yell running off. I don't know why I was so up set, but I was I guess just seeing Lucas get slushed set something off in my head, like you would usually get mad when if your friends girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with them.
So you would beat the person who broke their heart, but this was something different it was.
I don't know what it was like, but I felt a protective urge over Lucas I never wanted to let him be disappointed, or hurt, or anything that mad him feel bad.
I could never let him go no matter what I promised myself that I'd always be there to protect him, no matter what. I found my self in the locker room then James, and some of the other football guys coming in with a slushie.
Knowing what they were going to do I tried getting up to run. Before I could go anywhere they grabbed me by my shoulders, and made me sit on the back on the bench.

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