My Little Girl (Part 2)

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This is a tear jerker. One month after Seraphina and Smokescreen's wedding, Megatron and the decepticons find the location of the autobot base in Jasper, Nevada. All of the autobots and their human friends go to different locations to hide from the decepticons except for Seraphina's father Optimus Prime.

Seraphina's POV:

Me: What about you Dad?

Dad: I will ensure that the decepticons cannot follow.

I was completely in shock after what Dad said. He was going to stay behind and destroy the ground bridge controls so that way Megatron and his troops won't find me, my sparkmate Smokescreen and the rest of our friends. I walked up to the ground bridge portal but stopped. I quickly turned around and hugged Dad. Dad wrapped his arms around me and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

Me: I love you Dad. I'll miss you.

Dad: I love you too.....My Little Girl.

Dad planted a kiss on my forehelm and we looked at each other. Tears flowed from both of our optics.

Me: Goodbye Daddy.

Dad: Until we meet again Seraphina.

I smiled sadly and walked right through the ground bridge. But I couldn't let Dad face Megatron and his army alone. I activated the phase shifter and went back through the ground bridge. BOOM! I heard a loud explosion on the other side of the ground bridge and I saw the whole base in ruins. I started looking for Dad hoping that he was still here alive. I finally spotted him. Dad was buried under the wreckage and was barely alive.

Me: No. (Activates phase shifter) Hold on Dad.

I went through the wreckage and grabbed him. Dad groaned and I pulled him through the wreckage and we went into a cave. I laid Dad against a pile of sturdy rocks and looked at him. His body was severely damaged and his once red and blue armor was burnt. I tried to hold back tears but it was no use. I let it all out.

Me: Oh Dad.

Dad groaned weakly, slowly opened his optics and looked at me.

Dad (weakly): S.......Seraphina.

Me: Shhhh. It's ok Dad. It's ok.

Dad tried to say something else but I stopped him.

Me: It's best if you don't move or talk right now Dad. Power down and try to get your strength back. I've got you covered Dad.

Dad closed his optics and powered down. I rubbed his helm. His chassis would slowly rise and fall as he vented. I managed to get myself closer to Dad and I laid down next to him and drifted into recharge. I prayed that he would make it through this. He just had to. Two hours later, I heard Dad groan and I shot my helm up and looked at him. Dad opened his optics slightly and closed them again.

Me: it's ok Dad. You're with me Seraphina.

Dad looked at me as he groaned weakly.

Dad: How did....I get here?

Me: When we were evacuating the base just before the cons destroyed it, it was my turn leave. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't let you face Megatron's army alone so I snuck back. But that was when the blast hit and the whole base came tumbling down. I saw you buried underneath the wreckage and managed to get you out of there before the cons dove in by using the phase shifter. I managed to get that back after what happened on Cybertron. (Sigh) I'm sorry that I defied your orders Dad.

Dad weakly stretched out his right servo and I held it in mine.

Dad: I know.....why you did Seraphina. I'm just....glad you're here.

He groaned in pain.

Me: Shhhh. It's ok Dad. It's ok. We're safe here but we're down so deep no one can pick up our signals. I'll have to scout above so I can have any hope of finding Ratchet.

I got up but Dad stopped me.

Dad: No. No......hope.

Me: What do you mean Dad? Ratchet's the only bot who can get you patched up.

Dad didn't say anything else. He slipped into unconsciousness.

Me: Daddy?

Nothing. He didn't say another word. His breathing was labored and he groaned in pain. I rubbed Dad's helm to keep him calm.

Me: Shhh. Shhh. (Whispers) It's ok Dad. It's ok.

Dad calmed down and stayed very still. I stood up and activated the phase shifter.

Me: Please let Ratchet's medical kit be back at the base.

I walked through the cave walls and walked through the destroyed base looking for the medical kit. So far, unsuccessful.

Me: Scrap. It isn't here. I'm sorry Dad.

I walked through the wall and made it back to the cave. Dad's condition worsened and I immediately went to his side. He opened his optics and looked at me.

Dad (rasping): S....Seraphina. Thank....Primus.

Me: Hey Dad. I searched everywhere in the base for Ratchet's medical kit but I couldn't find it. I'm sorry Dad. I...I'm sorry.

I started to cry again.

Dad (groggily): The forge.

Me: What?

Dad (rasping): The forge....of Solus Prime.

I shook my helm.

Me: That's gone too. Cons picked the place clean.

Then it occurred to me.

Me: Wait. If you had the forge, you could fix yourself up. Power of the Primes. Dad, hang on just a little longer. That hammer's got to be somewhere in Megatron's fortress.

Dad: Seraphina, be.......careful sweetspark.

I knelt down beside him and hugged Dad gently and kissed his forehelm.

Me: I will Dad. I promise.

Dad closed his optics and slipped into unconsciousness again. I got up and left the cave. Little did I know was that fixing Dad up wasn't going to be the reason why he wanted me to get the forge.

TFP: One Shots and Short Stories (Optimus Prime and Some OC Characters) Where stories live. Discover now