My Little Girl (Part 4)

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Seraphina's POV:

Me? The next prime? Dad wants me to take his place as leader of the autobots? I wasn't so sure if I could take on such a responsibility like that or not. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't go back to recharge. Then I could feel Dad send me waves of love and comfort through our bond which did calm me down a little bit but not too much though. Dad opened his optics and looked at me.

Dad (whispers): Ser...aphina. You.....are worried.....a-bout this.

I sat up, looked at Dad and sighed.

Me: I'm not so sure if I can do this. I mean sure who wouldn't want to be a prime? A leader of the autobots? But I'm not really sure if I'm ready for that kind of responsibility.

Dad (whispers): My daughter, the choice is neither yours....nor mine to make. When it is time, the matrix of leadership....will present itself only to one....whose spark is worthy. You are lead Seraphina. Do not.....doubt yourself.

Dad lifted up his right servo and I held onto it. I laid down next to him and rested my helm on his chassis and he kissed my forehelm.

Dad (whispers): you....My Little Girl.

Me: I love you too Daddy. I always will.

Dad smiled weakly at me. He then sighed and closed his optics. His chassis would rise and fall at much slower rate than usual and his heavy breathing started to slow down. It was because Dad was very close to becoming one with the Allspark. As I was recharging, tears fell from my optics.

Optimus Prime's POV (unconscious state):

I saw a light glowing very brightly in front of me. Then I heard this voice that sounded very familiar. But I couldn't see who it was.

???: Who stands before me? Who beckons?

Me: It is I. Optimus Prime.

???: Come Optimus.

I walked closer to the light.

Me: Is it truly you....Alpha Trion?

Alpha Trion appeared in the light and looked right at me.

Alpha Trion: Indeed Optimus. It is I. I stand before you my student and it looks like that it is your time.

I looked at him and looked down for a moment.

Alpha Trion: Why do you hesitate?

Me: I do not fear joining with Allspark. But for the fate of the matrix of leadership.

Alpha Trion: You know as well as I. A worthy candidate is near. One that will learn to be a prime as you once did. That candidate is your daughter Seraphina.

I stood there quiet not knowing what to say next.

???: My son.

That voice grabbed my attention. I saw another autobot standing next to Alpha Trion. It was a femme that I haven't seen in a very long time. It was my mother Athena.

Me: Mother.

Mother: It has been a while my son. Alpha Trion and I have been watching Seraphina become the autobot that she was meant to be. She will be a great leader Optimus. You, Elita and the other autobots have seen her show great leadership to you all. She is ready.

Me: You are right Mother. You are absolutely right. She will be a great leader of the autobots.

Mother and Alpha Trion extended their servos to me.

TFP: One Shots and Short Stories (Optimus Prime and Some OC Characters) Where stories live. Discover now