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Plot: Optimus Prime has been captured by a rogue decepticon named Ajax and he has no intent of letting the leader of the autobots go. His sparkmate Flash Storm (you all know who she is) who is pregnant with her and Optimus's first sparkling, and the other autobots must save him from the clever and cunning decepticon.

Optimus's POV:

It hurt. Oh how much it hurt. My whole body ached and I didn't have the strength to get up off of the berth that Ajax strapped me down to. All I could do right now is just lay there helplessly on the berth. The decepticon placed his servo on my torso and electricity surged through me and I screamed in pain. It was too much pain to have to bear. I offlined my optics, barely opened them and looked at Ajax.

Ajax: Ah, again my instincts prove true. Your torso does nothing to protect sensitive mesh underneath.

Me: S-S-S-Stop. P-Please A-A-Ajax.

Ajax chuckled evilly and shook his helm.

Ajax: I don't think so. I'll never set you free. You're mine Optimus. However....

Me (weakly): How-ever.....what?

Ajax: I will set you free tell me where your sparkmate Flash Storm is. Tell me where she is and I will you let you go.

I glared at him and growled deeply. I shook my helm.

Me: N-Never.

Ajax looked at me and vented angrily. His servos started to glow with green electricity.

Ajax: Fine.

He placed his servos on my chest plates and electricity surged through my body. I screamed in pain. Then he stopped and I started to lose consciousness. My vision started to get blurry. The last thing I saw was Ajax looking at me sinisterly and then everything went black.

At base on Cybertron (Flash Storm's POV):

I paced back and forth worried about my sparkmate Optimus. It had been two days since he went missing and I haven't had any good recharge for the last two nights. I'm also pregnant with mine and Optimus's first sparkling. I prayed that he would be alive and that he would come home to be with me, our sparkling and our fellow autobots. Then finally....

Ratchet: FLASH! I've found Optimus's life signal.

Me: Oh thank Primus.

Ratchet: Yes. However, (sighs) his life signal is very, very faint. He doesn't have much time.

He was right about that. We both knew that Optimus wasn't going to survive without immediate medical treatment. We had to bring him home. I called out to the other autobots that were on our team and we all came up with a plan to rescue Optimus.

Ajax's Lair (Ajax's POV):

I walked over to the unconscious Optimus Prime and looked down at him with an evil grin on my face. I watched his chassis slowly go up and down and I placed one of my servos on his chest plate. Optimus didn't even move when I touched him.

Me (chuckling evilly): Oh Optimus. Optimus, Optimus, Optimus. Your time will be coming to an end soon and your Flash Storm and other team members won't be able to save you in time.

I transformed my left servo into my axe and raised it high above my helm getting ready to end Optimus's life. This time, for good. Suddenly, I heard some laser guns charging up and I turned around to see Flash Storm, Bulkhead, Arcee, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Tailgate and Ratchet. They were all pointing their weapons at me. However, Ratchet had blades instead of laser guns but they were all pointing them at me getting ready to fire at me.

TFP: One Shots and Short Stories (Optimus Prime and Some OC Characters) Where stories live. Discover now