My Little Girl (Part 3)

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Optimus Prime's POV:

I opened my optics a little to see my daughter Seraphina walking through the cave wall. I was going to tell her that using the forge to fix myself up wasn't the reason why I wanted her to get the relic. However, I didn't have the strength to tell her. I closed my optics and quietly slipped into unconsciousness.

Seraphina's POV (2 1/2 hours later):

I finally made it back to the cave while dragging in the forge. I looked over to see dad barely conscious and I immediately rushed to his side. I took his servo in mine.

Me: Dad, I have the forge. You can use it to repair yourself.

Dad inhales deeply.

Dad: not the reason...I had you retrieve the relic.

That made my spark sink. Is he serious? I can't let him die.

Me: What? What do mean that's not the reason Dad? I brought this here so you can fix yourself. Now you're telling me that's not it? Then why did you want me to get the forge? Please tell me Daddy. I (in sobs) I don't understand.

I literally just lost it. I cried and cried. I felt Dad place his right servo on my left cheek. I placed my left servo on his and more tears ran down my face.

Dad: Seraphina, what I....have to say. The power of the not unlimited. It' has already begun to ebb.

Me: So it's running low. Who cares? All we need is enough juice to get you back into fighting shape.

Dad: Whatever power remains....must be rebuild the Omega restore Cyberton.

Me: But...that would mean...

I stopped because I didn't want to finish my sentence. I knew what would happen.

Dad: The fate of all our more vital....then that of anyone of us.

Dad sighed and closed his optics. His chassis was still rising and falling slowly. His condition worsened even more. I rubbed his helm and arm gently to keep him calm and at peace. While I was doing that, I had a flashback of some memories of Dad and I. The best memory of us was when we were dancing to the song "My Little Girl" at my wedding. I started to cry again. I couldn't lose my father. He was also my best friend as well. I felt Dad send me love through our bond weakly. He could feel my sadness through our bond and he was trying to comfort me. It was working but my worries of me losing Dad never went away. Dad moaned softly, opened his optics and looked at me.

Dad: Seraphina, do not worry. I'll never leave you.

Dad placed his right servo on my chassis.

Me: I know Dad. But the forge is a relic of the Primes.

He sighed, opened his optics and looked at me.

Me: We can't use it to restore Cyberton. Not without a prime. Not without you Dad.

Dad: There will be.....a new prime.

Me (sighs): Dad, you can worry about that after we get you patched up and we take down Megatron.

Dad grabbed my arm and I looked at him.

Dad: The time....for a new upon us. In my spark, I believe....that leader stands before me

My optics widened.

TFP: One Shots and Short Stories (Optimus Prime and Some OC Characters) Where stories live. Discover now