One Magical Night

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In this one, Optimus and Aleena celebrate their two year anniversary of being a married couple. Before reading, if you don't like smut, GET OUT! No I'm kidding. You can choose to not read the whole thing and just keep on scrolling until you get to the end of this one shot story.

Aleena's POV:

Today is mine and Optimus's two year wedding anniversary. Wow. We've been married for two years already. It only seemed like yesterday when we got married. It was definitely the best day of our lives. Today, Optimus and I are going on a special date for our wedding anniversary. I didn't know where he was planning on taking me to because he wouldn't tell me.

Me: Optimus, can you please give me a teeny tiny hint about where we're going pleeeeeaaaaase?

I gave him puppy dog optics. He just laughed and shook his helm.

Optimus: No my dear spark. If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. Sorry.

Me: Awww. Ok.

He chuckled and gave me a kiss on the lips. He gave Ratchet a nod and he activated the ground bridge. Optimus and I walked through it and we made it to a beautiful secluded area in a forest. It was a small meadow that was surrounded with a lot of tall trees and a small rushing river. I was in awe of its beauty.

Me: Oh Optimus. It's so beautiful.

Optimus: Yes it is. It is beautiful but I'm looking at a femme who is the most beautiful femme I know and love with all my spark.

I turned around and smiled at my mech. Optimus wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a passionate and loving kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck cables and we deepened the kiss. We stopped kissing and pressed our helms together.

Me: I love you too Optimus. I always will.

Optimus then picked me up bridal style and carried me to a cave that was behind the waterfall. Optimus planted a kiss on me and he whispered something into my audio right receptor.

Optimus: Are you feeling turned on? May I turn you on a bit more my love?

I smiled and nodded my helm. He put me down and we started kissing each other again. Optimus then gently pushed me into a wall and we deepened the kiss. We both moaned with passion and love. His derma entered my mouth and both of our dermas started dancing together. We broke the kiss and Optimus placed a series of hickies (wet kisses) on my neck cables. I moaned with pleasure and I said his name a few times.

Me: Optimus. Frag me. Frag me please.

Optimus: With pleasure my dear spark.

Optimus laid me down on the cave's ground and he got on top of me. He started to kiss me from my lips and he started to go down south with his kisses. I saw his huge spike coming out from his armor.

Optimus: I'm going in Aleena.

Me: I'm ready to receive you Optimus.

Optimus's spike slowly entered into my valve and his thrusts started off at a slow and steady pace. We planted our mouths together and we kissed each other passionately. Optimus started to speed it up. I moaned with pleasure and love and so did he.

Me: Optimus, I'm...getting the climax.

Optimus: I'm....getting there too Aleena. Oh Aleena. Aleena.

Me: Optimus. Optimus. Optimus.

We both got to the climax and Optimus emptied all of his fluids in me. He took out his spike, kissed me and collapsed right next to me panting hard. I was also panting hard and I snuggled up to his chassis. I felt his chassis quickly rise and fall as he vented. Both of our bodies were a little heated after doing the dirty. I rubbed Optimus's helm and he opened his optics and smiled. I kissed him and pressed my helm against his. Our rapid breathing eventually slowed down and Optimus pulled me a little closer to him. We kissed each other one more time and smiled at each other.

Optimus: I love you Aleena.

Me: I love you too Optimus. I love you so much.

Optimus gave me a tired smile and then he drifted off into a much needed recharge.

Me (whispers): Happy two year anniversary my love.

I kissed his forehelm and I drifted off into a much needed recharge.

TFP: One Shots and Short Stories (Optimus Prime and Some OC Characters) Where stories live. Discover now