The Room

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"Rainbow Dash, please wake up." Fluttershy sobbed, "This, is all *hic* f-fault..." Rainbow opened on eye then the other, she saw all her friends and family surrounding her.

She was in a hospital room. "Oh, Rainbow we was so worried." Her mother, Firefly said looking at her and then her husband. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, I promised I'll always be there for you, but I-I wasn't." Her father, Rainbow Streak started to choke up. "It's alright Daddy, I'm fine." Dash said weakly with a fake smile. "No your not! What if this stallion got you pregnant! Or gave you some disease!" Her father started to rage. "Daddy please calm down, I promise you I'm fine." "For now." He snorted.

"Rainbow I'm so sorry! This all happened because of me! " The yellow pegasus burrowed her head in the blanket. " "It's ok Fluttershy. I'll be alright." "But the only reason you went in there was because of me!" "I'm fine. I promise you."

In Canterlot Castle~

"Oh, there you are sister. Can you do me a favor." Celsetia said as soon as Luna walked into her study. "Since no one is playing online I guess I could." Luna replied. She was playing Call Of Duty:Ghost on her PS4 all day. "There has been an incident with Rainbow Dash the Element of Loyalty. Do you mind checking in her for me?" "I would love to check on my multicolored friend. Where is she?" "Ponyville Hospital, room 233." Luna's smile turned into a frown.

"This must be it." Luna said to herself. She was outside room 233, starring at the door. She opened it to see two pegasi. One was a pink mare with a dark blue mane styled like Rainbow's and her cutie mark three lightning bolts, the other was a purple stallion with a multicolored mane like Rainbow's but his was short and brushed. "Your majesty! What are you doing here?" "Please call me Luna. I am don't my sister, so I would like to be called by my real name." The mare and stallion chuckled, "Ok then Luna, I'm Firefly and this is my husband Rainbow Streak and we-" "You must be Rainbow Dash's parents." They nodded, but you could tell the mare was angry from being cut off.

"So where is Rainbow Dash, and the others?" "Dashie is performing test and the most of the girls are calming Pinkie and Fluttershy down, while Princess Twilight is panicking about Rainbow, but in a calm manor." Rainbow Streak said. Luna snickered, then sat down. "So, where does Rainbow get her flying skills from?" "Well you see she gets her agility from me, I used to be a Wonderbolt." "But she gets the speed from her father." The stallion straighten his back and unfolded his wings. "So a Wonderbolt, how was that?" She asked excitedly. Most of the Wonderbolts she met only cared about Celestia. "I loved it. I took a small break to raise our little Dashie. But afterwards I went right back." "So, what rank were you?" "Captain of the Wonderbolts. It has a ring to it. Wait do you know Spitfire?" "Of course I do, who wouldn't?" "Well I thought that mare everything she knows!" "Wait, you trained Spitfire?!?" "Yes. But what I really can't sta-"

The door busted open to a team of medics pushing in Rainbow Dash being followed by two earth ponies, one yellow pegasus, one white unicorn, and one violet alicorn princess. "Princess Luna? What are you doing here?" Princess Twilight asked. "I'm here to check in on my gamer buddy." Luna gave Twilight a fake smile even though she couldn't stand the mare. "L-Luna?" "Yes, tis I my multicolored friend." Luna teased the hospitalized pegasus.

Outside the room door a green light flashed, then shortly after Spike came in with a scroll with Celestia's seal on it. Twilight snatched the note from Spike and read it quickly. "Girls the princess needs is right away!" Then all five I them ran out the door. ''Luna can you stay with Dashie while we get something from the cafeteria?" "Go on and eat, she'll be fine." I nodded. The couple strolled out the room heading to the elevator. "Luna, what does it say on that clipboard attached to my bed?" "Well let me. See..." she said before grabbing the clipboard with her magic. She read, and read then Luna's pupils shrank. This was bad really bad.


Author's Note~

Whoa! What will happen?!?!? The world may never know...until next time! See ya! Brohoof y'all!

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