The Feelings Inside Part 1

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Ever since the foals were born Billy had been extremely caring. But not only to his foals, but also to Rainbow Dash. Which surprised the light blue pegasus. But Rainbow always had the feeling that Luna didn't like him being around. He had moved in, slept in the bed as Dash, and the two occasionally kissed and what not. And every time Luna grumbled, mumbled or growled something under her breath.

"Dash? Wake up!" The light blue pegasus heard. She wasn't really asleep, in fact she woke up 15 minutes ago. She was just thinking with her eyes closed. Dash opened her eyes to see Luna in front of her, "Luna..." she groaned, "What is it?" The rainbow-maned mare sat up upon her bed and stretched. "Well Billy's out with Cherry and Hightide, so I was wondering if we could have a Mares' Day Out." Luna said with a smile on her nuzzle. "Sure...let me go freshen up." Rainbow yawned before jumping off her bed and towards her bathroom.

Rainbow turned her shower on, cold water started to pour out but it would warm up soon. The pegasus grabbed some red towels from her closet and put them on the chair besides the shower. She felt the water with her forehoof. Warm. Dash slowly stepped in.

"It isn't that I'm ungrateful for all the things that I've earned, for all the journeys I have taken, all the lessons that I have learned." The mare started to sing in her best Twilight voice as she grabbed the soap. "But I wonder where I'm going now, what my role is meant to be. I don't know how to travel, to a future that I can't see..." Rainbow now started to wash her wings, "I have my wings, I wear this crown. I'm a princess, this is true.
But it's still unclear to me
just what I am meant to do.
I wanna have a purpose.
Wanna do all that I can!
I wanna make a contribution. I want to be a part of the plan." Now the colorful pegasus sang in her most regal voice, for this was Celestia's part. "Your destiny's uncertain and that's sometimes hard to take." Rainbow paused because she thought she heard a faint giggle but the continued, "But it will become much clearer, with every new choice you make..." Then Luna started sing from the bedroom, "Patience is never easy.
I understand wanting more. I know how hard it is to wait, To spread out your wings and soar." Rainbow could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, "Luna!" She screamed. "Well hurry up then so we can leave!" Luna scolded. "Fine!" Rainbow mumbled.

When Rainbow and Luna left they went to go eat breakfast, it was only 9:30 and Luna already had the day planned out. First they would eat breakfast at the local restaurant. Luna mentally checked this one off her checklist. "Hello Princess Luna! How many are in your party?" The kind Hostess asked. "Two." Luna answered. "Would you like to sit indoor or out?" The mare asked again. Luna looked back at Rainbow Dash, "Indoor." The pegasus told the Hostess. "And a booth perhaps." Luna added on. "Right this way." The unicorn hostess grabbed two menus and walked the two other mares to a booth in the back of the restaurant. Then she put a menu on one side and then the other, "Your waiter will be with you shortly." She smiled before trotting away.
The two mares quickly looked at there beverage choices knowing that would be the first thing the waiter or waitress would ask for. "Hello Princesshh Luna and Wainbow Dashsh!" Luna looked up to see a mare with poofy orange hair, green eyes, and braces with one of those outside retainer things. "Um...Hey Sally, when did you get a job here?" Rainbow asked with an confused look, the same look Luna had but for a different reason. "Oh, um, Luna this is Sally Spits-a-lot we went to high school together." The pegasus explained. "Oh, we'll nice to meet you." Sally smiled and nodded her head up and down quickly, "Now what would you maweshh like to dwink?" she asked spitting all over the table. "I would like a water with lemon." Luna stated before looking back at the menu. "A lemonade please." Sally finished writing down the drinks, "Are you weady to order your food?" Luna and Rainbow shook their heads no in unison. "We'll I'll be back to sheck on you two sshhortly." Sally soon trotted off. "Now I see where she had gotten her name from." Luna said causing Rainbow to burst with laughter.

###################Author's Note

This is part one of this chapter only because its a big part of the story! Part 2 will be released soon I just wanted to occupy you fanfic readers with something. Un if you forgot the run for Rainbow's song she sang in the shower I have the karaoke YouTube video up in the top! So bye! (•3•) *MWAH*


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